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Servicio de soporte de OCLC

Set export options

Learn how to set export options in CatExpress.

About export options

  • Export method (CatExpress subscribers and Cataloging members). You export bibliographic records to a file on the Connexion server, and then download the file to your workstation.
  • Records. You export bibliographic records retrieved from WorldCat.
  • Single record export. With CatExpress, you export one record at a time.
  • Format. You export bibliographic records in MARC format.

Go to Export Options screen

  1. From the General tab, click Admin.
  2. From the Preferences screen, click Export Options.

Save changes, cancel, or restore original defaults

  • When finished viewing and/or changing options on this screen, use the buttons at the top and bottom of the screen to take an action.
  • The following table describes how the buttons work.
Botón Purpose/Result
Go Back Return to the previous screen.
Save for Session Save changes on this screen for the current session only.
When you log off, the system restores your previous default settings.
Save My Default Save changes on this screen for the current session and future sessions.
The new settings remain in effect until you change them.
Restablecer Restore original Connexion settings for options on this screen.
Reverse any changes you made during the current session or in previous sessions.
Cancelar Reverse any changes you made since you accessed this screen during the current session.
Your previously saved settings remain in effect.

Set export options

Export files:

  • Are created and stored on the Connexion server.
  • Allow appending until downloaded. You can continue exporting to the same file until you download the file.
  • Contain records that are exported either by any user from one institution (OCLC symbol) or by one user (authorization number). The default file type is Institution. To create export files for your individual authorization, set the Export File Type option (on the Export Options screen) to Individual.
  • Remain available for download for 90 days from the file creation date. After 90 days, the system automatically deletes export files.
  1. (Optional) Specify a file name for downloaded export files.
    • From the Export Options screen, under Export File Name, enter the file name and extension in the File Name text box.
      Keep the default file name (export.dat).
      • Name specified. When you download an export file from the Download Export Files screen, the system automatically supplies the specified file name and extension.
      • Default name. If you do not specify a file name, the system supplies the default name (export.dat).
      • Change name or extension during downloading. If necessary, you can change the supplied file name before saving the file.
  2. (Optional) From the Export Options screen, under Export File Type, specify the type of export file to use.
    • Institution export file (default). Connexion creates export files that contain records exported by anyone logged on with an authorization number linked to your library's OCLC symbol. The export file will be delivered the next day.
    • Individual export file. Connexion creates export files that contain records exported by a user logged on with a specific authorization number.
  3. (Optional) From the Export Options screen, under Fields to Delete on Export, type the 3-digit MARC tag numbers to specify the fields you want to remove from each bibliographic record before exporting the record for local use.
    • To delete a single field, type the tag number in the text box.
    • To delete a range of fields, type the first and last tag to be removed, separated by a hyphen.
    • Separate single tags and tag ranges with commas.
      Example: In the Fields text box, type 920, 938, 945-999 to remove fields 920 and 938, and fields 945 through 999, from all exported bibliographic records.