Show all pages of PDF in viewer
In CONTENTdm, you can choose to ingest a multi-page PDF as a compound object. It’s as if the PDF is broken into individual one-page PDFs. As a result, when you click the Expand button to view the PDF, you get a single page each time, and need to rely on the previous page (<) and next page (>) buttons. This is inconsistent with other types of content, and creates a less desirable, non-standard PDF viewing experience.
Image 1 - Multi-page PDF broken into one-page PDFs
This recipe will utilize the print PDF created during the ingest process, and show the print PDF instead of the one-page PDFs in the expanded view. You can simply scroll to view other pages:
Image 2 - Print PDF utilized to enable scrolling
The cool thing is, any page you are on, when you click the Expand button (), the viewer will scroll to show you the current page:
Image 3 - Page 3 selected
Image 4 - Page 3 displays in expanded view
Caution: The search term does not pass through to the expanded PDF viewer when performing a search with this recipe, meaning the search term is not highlighted in the viewer. You can, however, do a manual search in the PDF viewer. Please evaluate your needs to determine if you want to use this recipe.