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06. Field M08D – Maps - Main/master level

Description of field M08D – Maps - Main/master level.

General remark for import

When the positions 18-28 are all blanks, this data is not imported.

Positions 29-34 are always treated according to the following specifications.

For more MARC 21 documentation:

Character Descripción CBS MARC tag/sbf. PICA+ tag/sbf. Import, online cataloguing and MARC 21 export
Maps M08D 014D
18-21 Relief $a $a
  • During import MARC 21 general
    • When the value is present and is not | - No attempt to code -, it is imported. There are 4 values (4 characters).
    • When the value is |, it is ignored.

In WorldCat, the value blank - No relief shown - is considered as a default for maps (March 2021).

This field is generated when position 06 - Type of record - of the Leader is equal to e - Cartographic material - or f - Manuscript cartographic material -.

  • During online cataloguing

The values can be added or updated.

Subfield $a is repeatable and contains one value. When one subfield $a is present, it must occur 4 times.

  • During export to MARC 21 general
    • When these values are present, they are exported.
    • When these values are missing, |||| - No attempt to code - is generated.
  • During export to WorldCat
    • When the values are present and are not ||||, they are exported.
    • When these values are missing, |||| - No attempt to code - is generated.
22-23 Projection $b $b
  • During import MARC 21 general
    • When the value is present and is not || - No attempt to code -, it is imported.
    • When the value is ||, it is ignored.

In WorldCat, the value blank blank - Projection not specified - is considered as a default for maps. (March 2021).

  • During online cataloguing

The value can be added or updated.

  • During export to MARC 21 general
    • When the value is present, it is exported.
    • When the value is missing, || - No attempt to code - is generated.
  • During export to WorldCat
    • When the value is present, it is exported.
    • When the value is missing, || - No attempt to code - is generated.
24 Undefined $c $c
  • During import from MARC 21 general

The value is not put in subfield $c. Thus, it is ignored.

  • During online cataloguing

The value is not added.

  • During export to MARC 21 general

The value blank is generated.

  • During export to WorldCat

The value blank is generated.

25 Type of cartographic material $d $d
  • During import from MARC 21 general
    • When the value is present and is not | - No attempt to code -, it is imported.
    • When the value is |, it is ignored.

In WorldCat, the value a - Single map - is considered as a default for maps. (March 2021), and the value | - No attempt to code - is not allowed (March 2021).

  • During online cataloguing

The value can be added or updated.

  • During export to MARC 21 general
    • When the value is present, it is exported.
    • When the value is missing, | - No attempt to code - is generated.
  • During export to WorldCat
    • When the value is present and is not |, it is exported.
    • When the value is I or is missing, value u - Unknown - is generated. During import: this value is imported.
26-27 Undefined $e $e
  • During import from MARC 21 general

The values are not put in subfield $e. Thus, they are ignored.

  • During online cataloguing

The values are not added.

Subfield $e is repeatable and contains one value. When one subfield $e is present (theoretically), it must occur 2 times.

  • During export to MARC 21 general

Values blank blank are generated.

  • During export to WorldCat

Values blank blank are generated.

28 Government publication $f $f
  • During import from MARC 21 general
    • When the value is present and is not | - No attempt to code -, it is imported.
    • When the value is |, it is ignored.

In WorldCat, the value blank - Not a government publication - is considered as a default for several types of material, and the value | - No attempt to code - is not allowed (March 2021).

  • During online cataloguing

The value can be added or updated.

  • During export to MARC 21 general
    • When the value is present, it is exported.
    • When the value is missing, | - No attempt to code - is generated.
  • During export to WorldCat
    • When the value is present and is not | - No attempt to code -, it is exported.
    • When the value is I - No attempt to code - or is missing, value blank - Not a government publication - is generated. However, the value blank has a specific meaning, e.g. that the document is not a government publication. Also, the value u - Unknown if item is government publication - is not a real alternative.
29 Form of item $g $g
  • During import from MARC 21 general
    • When the value is present and is not | - No attempt to code -, it is imported.
    • When the value is |, it is ignored.

In WorldCat, the value blank - None of the following - is considered as a default for different types of material, and the value | - No attempt to code - is not allowed (March 2021).

  • During online cataloguing

The value can be added or updated.

  • During export to MARC 21 general
    • When the value is present, it is exported.
    • When the value is missing, | - No attempt to code - is generated.
  • During export to WorldCat
    • When the value is present and is not | - No attempt to code -, it is exported.
    • When the value is I or is missing, value blank - None of the following - is generated. However, the value blank has a specific meaning, e.g. that the document is no microfilm, no braille, etc.
30 Undefined $h $h
  • During import from MARC 21 general

The value is not put in subfield $h. Thus, it is ignored.

  • During online cataloguing

The value is not added.

  • During export to MARC 21 general

The value blank is generated.

  • During export to WorldCat

The value blank is generated.

31 Índice $i $i
  • During import from MARC 21 general
    • When the value is present and is not | - No attempt to code -, it is imported.
    • When the value is |, it is ignored.

The value must be one of the official allowed codes.

In WorldCat, the value 0 - No index - is considered as a default for books and maps (March 2021).

  • During online cataloguing

The value can be added or updated.

  • During export to MARC 21 general
    • When the value is present, it is exported.
    • When the value is missing, | - No attempt to code - is generated.
  • During export to WorldCat
    • When the value is present, it is exported.
    • When the value is missing, | - No attempt to code - is generated.
32 Undefined $j $j
  • During import from MARC 21 general

The value is not put in subfield $j. Thus, it is ignored.

  • During online cataloguing

The value is not added.

  • During export to MARC 21 general

The value blank is generated.

  • During export to WorldCat

The value blank is generated.

33-34 Special format characteristics $k $k
  • During import MARC 21 general
    • When the value is present and is not | - No attempt to code -, it is imported. There are 2 values (2 characters).
    • When the value is |, it is ignored.

In WorldCat, the value blank blank - No specified special format characteristics - is considered as a default for maps. (March 2021).

  • During online cataloguing

The values can be added or updated.

Subfield $k is repeatable and contains one value. When one subfield $k is present, it must occur 2 times.

  • During export to MARC 21 general
    • When these values are present, they are exported.
    • When the values are missing, || - No attempt to code - is generated.
  • During export to WorldCat
    • When the values are present, they are exported.
    • When both values are | or are missing, || - No attempt to code - is generated.
    • When one position contains the value |, and the other position contains a “real” value, the fill character is replaced by blank - No specified special format characteristics -.

Next fields have the same structure:

M06E 012E Cartographic material 00 = e Maps
M06F 012F Manuscript cartographic material 00 = f Maps