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03. Field M08A – General Information - Main/master level

Description of field M08A – General Information - Main/master level.

For more MARC 21 documentation:

Character Descripción CBS MARC
tag / sbf.
tag / sbf.
Import, online cataloguing and MARC 21 export
All materials M08A 014A
00-05 Date entered on file $a $a
  • During import from MARC 21 general

    Date entered on file is - under certain conditions - converted to tag 0252/002W - Date of creation in original database of main level data.
  • During online cataloguing

    The date is not added.
  • During export to MARC 21 general

    The date of CBS tag 0200 / 001A is taken. When there is no CBS tag 0200 / 001A six zeros are generated.
  • During export to WorldCat

    The date of CBS tag 0200 / 001A is taken. When there is no CBS tag 0200 / 001A six zeros are generated.
06 Type of date/Publication status $b $b
  • During import from MARC 21 general
    • When the value is present and is not | - No attempt to code -, it is imported.
    • When the value is |, it is ignored.

The value must be one of the official allowed codes.

  • During online cataloguing

    The value can be added or updated.
  • During export to MARC 21 general
    • When the value is present, it is exported.
    • When the value is missing, value | - No attempt to code - is generated.
  • During export to WorldCat
    • When the value is present, it is exported.
    • When the value is missing, value | - No attempt to code - is generated.
07-10 Date 1 $c $c
  • During import from MARC 21 general
    • When the value of position 06 is b - No dates given; B.C. date involved -, for the positions 07-10 the values #### - Date element is not applicable - is generated.
    • When the value of position 06 is s - Single known date/probable date -, and the positions 07-10 have not the values |||| - No attempt to code - or #### - Date element is not applicable -, then the values are imported.
    • In other cases: the (4 characters) date value is imported. Only when the value is |||| - No attempt to code -, it is ignored.
  • During online cataloguing

The date can be added or updated.

  • During export to MARC 21 general
    • When the date value is present, it is exported.
    • When the date value is missing, |||| - No attempt to code - is generated.

[To be extended]

  • During export to WorldCat
    • When the date value is present, it is exported.
    • When the date value is missing, |||| - No attempt to code - is generated.

[To be extended]

11-14 Date 2 $d $d
  • During import from MARC 21 general
    • When the value of position 06 is b - No dates given; B.C. date involved -, for the positions 11-14 the values #### - Date element is not applicable - is generated.
    • When the value of position 06 is s - Single known date/probable date -, and the positions 11-14 have not the values |||| - No attempt to code - or #### - Date element is not applicable -, then the value #### is generated.
    • In other cases: the (4 characters) date value is imported. Only when the value is |||| - No attempt to code -, it is ignored.
  • During online cataloguing

The date can be added or updated.

  • During export to MARC 21 general
    • When the date value is present, it is exported.
    • When the date value is missing, |||| - No attempt to code - is generated.

[To be extended]

  • During export to WorldCat
    • When the date value is present, it is exported.
    • When the date value is missing, |||| - No attempt to code - is generated.
      • When position 06 - Type of date/Publication status - = s - Single known date/probable date -, positions 11-14 - Date 2 - with value #### - Date element is not applicable - is generated.
      • [To be extended]

15-17 Place of publication, production, or execution $e $e
  • During import from MARC 21 general
    • When the value is |||, it is ignored.
    • When the value is ###, it is ignored.
    • When position 17 has the value #, positions 15-16 are imported followed by the value #.
    • In other cases, positions 15-17 are imported.
  • During online cataloguing

The value can be added or updated.

You can find the codes in the MARC Code List of Countries. But be aware of the additional documentation on this subfield! See for links to the documentation on the top of this page.

  • During export to MARC 21 general
    • When the value is present, it is exported.
    • When the value is missing, xx blank - No place, unknown, or undetermined - is generated.
  • During export to WorldCat
    • When the value is present, it is exported.
    • When the value is missing, xx blank - No place, unknown, or undetermined - is generated.
[See the specific separate 008/18-34 pages for these elements.]
35-37 Language $f $f
  • During import from MARC 21 general
  • When the value is present and is not ||| - No attempt to code -, it is imported.
  • When the value is |||, it is ignored.
  • During online cataloguing

The value can be added or updated.

  • During export to MARC 21 general
    • When the value is present, it is exported.
    • When the value is missing, ||| - No attempt to code - is generated.
  • During export to WorldCat
    • When the value is present, it is exported.
    • When the value is missing, ||| - No attempt to code - is generated.
38 Modified record $g $g
  • During import from MARC 21 general
    • When the value is present and is not |, it is imported.
    • When the value is |, it is ignored.

The value must be one of the official allowed codes.

In WorldCat, the value blank - Not modified - is considered as a default, and the value | - No attempt to code - is not allowed (March 2021).

  • During online cataloguing

The value can be added or updated.

  • During export to MARC 21 general
    • When the value is present, it is exported.
    • When the value is missing, | - No attempt to code - is generated.
  • During export to WorldCat
    • When the value is present and is not |, it is exported.
    • When the value is I or is missing, value blank - Not modified - is generated. However, the value blank has a specific meaning. But it is considered as a default.
39 Cataloging source $h $h
  • During import from MARC 21 general

    • When the value is present and is not | - No attempt to code -, it is imported.
    • When the value is |, it is ignored.

The value must be one of the official allowed codes.

In WorldCat, the value d - Other - is considered as a default, and the value | - No attempt to code - is not allowed (March 2021).

  • During online cataloguing

The value can be added or updated.

  • During export to MARC 21 general
    • When the value is present, it is exported.
    • When the value is missing, | - No attempt to code - is generated.
  • During export to WorldCat
    • When the value is present and is not | - No attempt to code - , it is exported.
    • When the value is | or is missing, d - Other - is generated. However, the value d has a specific meaning.