Collection Evaluation account roles

Learn about the roles available for managing accounts in WorldShare Collection Evaluation.

WorldShare Admin

For more information about roles and managing accounts, see WorldShare Admin, User management.

To view all available WorldShare roles, see WorldShare Admin, Roles.


If your institution has an individual subscription to Collection Evaluation, these roles apply:

  • Collection Evaluation Analytics Admin
  • Collection Evaluation Admin
  • Collection Evaluation User


If your institution has a group subscription to Collection Evaluation (rare), these roles apply:

  • Collection Evaluation Group Admin
  • Collection Evaluation Group User
  • Collection Evaluation Public User


Collection Evaluation role comparison

Action Roles
Collection Evaluation Analytics Admin Collection Evaluation Admin Collection Evaluation User Collection Evaluation Group Admin Collection Evaluation Group User Collection Evaluation Public User
Acceso a la configuración del servicio de OCLC x x   x    
Add Authoritative lists for Collection Evaluation. x x   x    
Add Circulation filter. x x x     x
Add ILL filter to comparison. x x        
Add a pre-defined group for comparison (Predefined groups include WorldCat, OCLC databases, and selected sets of libraries chosen by OCLC). x x   x    
Assign roles to other users. Create a user that automatically has the Everyone role assigned. x          
Create aggregates of their group for users to see the group’s total holdings with duplicates removed. x     x    
Create Circulation comparisons. x x        
Create a comparison between the holdings of the group your library is in and the holdings of another group. x     x    
Create a comparison of your holding symbol against another holding symbol in WorldCat. x x        
Create a comparison of your holding symbol against a group of holding symbols in WorldCat (maximum of 50 symbols in each comparison). x x        
Create group-to-group comparisons and see holdings of libraries within the groups. x     x    
Create subgroups of your organized group via the Group Subscription level. x     x    
Delete aggregate group comparisons. Only available to Superuser. x          
Delete Authoritative list comparisons. x x   x    
Delete Circulation comparisons. x x        
Delete group-to-many comparisons. x     x    
Delete ILL comparisons. x x        
Delete library from a group. Only available to Superuser. x          
Delete one-to-many comparisons. x x   x    
Delete one-to-one comparisons. x x        
Delete Predefined group comparisons. x x   x    
Delete subgroup comparisons. x     x    
Export your data from the FTP site. x x x     x
Filter on a comparison. x x x     x
Manage which comparisons are viewable (active). x x   x    
Send a one-time alert to any user. x x x x x x
Subscribe to Alerts (configure alerts in the Admin module). x x   x    
Update information about other users, regardless of module (Circ, Acq, etc.) x          
View, claim, unclaim, and delete alerts in the menu bar. x x x x x x
View, filter, and export aggregate group comparison. Only available to Group User. x     x    
View, filter and export authoritative list. x x x   x x
View, filter, and export group comparison. Only available to Group User. x     x x  
View, filter, and export group peer comparison (shows symbols of libraries in group). x       x  
View, filter, and export one-to-one comparison. x x x      
View, filter, and export peer group comparison (does not show symbols of libraries in group). x x x x    
View, filter, and export predefined group comparison. x x x   x  
Vew, filter, and export subgroup comparison. Only available to Group User. x     x x  
View, filter, and export WorldCat comparison. x x x     x
View ILL filter. x x x     x
View the My Comparisons page for Collection Evaluation comparisons. x x x x x  
View My Library and export data. x x x x x x