Holds and Schedules

Find information related to Hold and Scheduling policies.
  • Hold Limit Policy
    Utilice esta pantalla para crear o editar políticas de límite de artículos en espera que limiten el número de artículos que los usuarios pueden poner en espera.
  • Hold Limit Matrix
    Use this screen to create or edit rows in the hold limit matrix to apply hold limit policies to patron types and material format.
  • Holds To Review Policy
    Use this screen to create or edit hold to review policies which help to identify holds that have not been fulfilled within the time period specified.
  • Hold Request Policy
    Use this screen to create and edit hold request policies to be applied to your items.
  • Hold Request Policy Map
    Use this screen to create or edit rows in the hold request policy map to apply hold request policies to patron types and material formats.
  • Hold Fulfillment Policy
    Use this screen to create or edit hold fulfillment policies which determine how long items are on the hold shelf.
  • Hold Fulfillment Policy Map
    Use this screen to create or edit rows in the hold request policy map in order to apply hold fulfillment policies to patron types and items.
  • Hold Pickup Locations Map
    Use this screen to create or edit rows in the hold pickup locations map in order to display the most appropriate pickup options for holds and prevent requests from pickup locations that are not supported.
  • Hold Priority
    Utilice esta pantalla para establecer la prioridad de retención para los tipos de usuarios.
  • Settings
    Determine the default location for a free text hold request and determine whether to enable the Fulfil using variant records setting for title-level hold requests.
  • Scheduling Policy
    Use this screen to create or edit scheduling policies for your items.
  • Scheduling Policy Map
    Use this screen to learn about creating or editing rows in the scheduling policy map in order to apply scheduling policies to patron types and items.
  • Room Configuration
    Use this screen to create a new room or copy, edit, and delete an existing room.  Rooms can be used with the Room Scheduling component.