Recall items
Find information about recalling items in WorldShare Circulation that are currently checked-out.
Items can only be recalled if they are checked out by a patron.
Recall an item
- On the left panel, use Discover Items to retrieve the item. For details on retrieving an item, see Look up item.
- If you searched for the item (did not scan or enter the item's barcode):
- On the search results page, click the item's title.
- On the Copies screen, in the row for the item you want to recall, click View/Edit.
- On the Item Details screen, in the upper right corner, click Place hold.
- On the Place hold window:
- Use the Patron field to retrieve the patron you are recalling the item for.
- Fill in the following fields:
- Pickup: If the patron prefers a different location, select the preferred library from the list.
- Hold: To set an expiration date, click the calendar button and select a date.
- Suspend (Optional): If the patron does not need the item between certain dates, specify the starting and ending dates using the calendar button.
- Move patron to top of queue: Makes the patron the first person in the holds queue for the item.
- Notes (Optional): Provide additional details about the patron's request before and/or after the hold has been fulfilled. Patrons are able to view and update notes when signed in to WorldCat Discovery>My Account.
- Check the Recall item from: box.
- Click Save Changes.
For more information on statuses, see Item statuses.
- The item record’s Status field indicates the item has been recalled for the patron you specified.
- The patron record’s Hold tab indicates a new item-level hold request.