Automate serial issues claiming

Discover how to automate serial issues claiming in WorldShare Acquisitions.


You can automate the claiming of serial issues that are missing or late. To automatically claim serial issues, you will need to:

Once your saved searches and automated jobs are created and saved, issues will be claimed on the schedule(s) you specified.

When a job is processed, issues will be grouped and claimed by vendor. If multiple vendors are included in a job, claims will be sent to each vendor. For the system to automate the claiming of serial issues, you must have:

If the vendor for a serial is blank, or the vendor contact does not have an email address assigned, no serial issues will be claimed. You will receive an email notification if there is any issue with the claiming process.

Best practices

  • All publication frequencies used by your library should be covered by your saved searches.
  • Delay periods (days since Expected Release Date or days since Last Claimed Date) should match your expectations for that issue type and/or publication frequency.
  • OCLC recommends that you set up two separate saved searches:
    • A saved search for issues that have never been claimed.
    • A saved search for issues that have already been claimed.

    This is because the delay for issues that have never been claimed is based on the expected release date, while the delay for issues that have been claimed previously may likely be based on the Last Claimed Date. 

Create saved searches

You need to create a saved search for each of the automated jobs that you want to enable. Each automated job will claim all the issues in the saved search as scheduled, so you want to create your saved searches appropriately.

The filters you apply to your saved searches determine how narrow or broad they are. While you can use any of the available search filters to create a saved search and associated automated job, OCLC recommends setting up saved searches by publication frequency. This allows you to set a different claim delay period for each publication frequency.

The following workflows demonstrate how to create saved searches by publication frequency. The steps will be the same regardless of which filters you choose to create your saved searches.

Create saved searches for issues that have never been claimed

  1. Navigate to Serial Issues > Missing Issues. The Missing Issues screen opens.
  2. Click Publication Frequency > Weekly > Apply to set the publication frequency to weekly.
  3. Click Expected Release, enter the number of days (e.g., 7) in the More than text field that you want to wait before claiming the issue, and then click Apply. This will tell the automated job to wait that many days (e.g., 7) before claiming weekly issues.
  4. Click Claims > From and enter 0 in both of the From range text fields. Setting the claims range from 0 to 0 will ensure that only issues that have never been claimed are returned in the saved search.
  5. Click Save Search to open the Save Search dialog.
  6. From the Saved Search dialog, enter Late Weekly Issues - Never Claimed in the Name text field.
  7. Click Save.
  8. Repeat steps 1-7 for additional publication frequencies that have never been claimed using the values outlined below.
Saved searches for issues that have never been claimed - Values
Publication Frequency Days from Expected Release Date Claims Saved search name
Bi-Weekly 14 0 to 0 Late Bi-Weekly Issues - Never Claimed
Monthly 20 0 to 0 Late Monthly Issues - Never Claimed
Bi-Monthly 30 0 to 0 Late Bi-Monthly Issues - Never Claimed
Quarterly 40 0 to 0 Late Quarterly Issues - Never Claimed
3/Year 50 0 to 0 Late 3/Year Issues - Never Claimed
Semi-Annual 60 0 to 0 Late Semi-Annual Issues - Never Claimed
Annual 90 0 to 0 Late Annual Issues - Never Claimed
Every 2 Years 90 0 to 0 Late Biennial Issues - Never Claimed

Create saved searches for issues that have already been claimed

You can create saved searches for issues that have already been claimed by modifying your saved searches for issues that have never been claimed.

  1. Navigate to Serial Issues > Missing Issue Searches. The Missing Issue Searches screen opens.
  2. Enter your search terms in the Find saved searches... text field and then click Search.
  3. Click the desired saved search Name to view and edit the saved search.
  4. Click Expected Release > Reset to clear the number of days.
  5. Click Claims and change the number of claims from 0 to 0 by:
    • Entering 1 and the maximum number of times you want to claim an issue (e.g., 7) in the From range text fields. This will set up your saved search to claim issues up to 7 times. After 7 claims, the system will stop claiming issues.
    • Clicking More than and entering 1 in the text field. This will set up your saved search to claim issues indefinitely until you manually stop claiming them or the issues are received.
  6. Click Last Claimed, enter the number of days (e.g., 5) in the More than text field that you want to wait before claiming the issue, and then click Apply. This will tell the automated job to wait that many days (e.g., 5) before claiming weekly issues.
  7. Click the Save Search down arrow (acquisitions-save-search-down-arrow.png) to open the Saved Search menu and then click Save as. The Save Search As dialogLat opens.
  8. From the Save Search As dialog, enter Late Weekly Issues - Already Claimed in the Name text field.
  9. Click Save.
  10. Repeat steps 1-9 for the remainder of your saved searches for issues that have never been claimed using the values outlined below.
Saved searches for issues that have already been claimed - Values
Publication Frequency Days since
Last Claimed Date
Claims Saved search name
Bi-Weekly 7 More than 1
1 to User preference (e.g., 7)
Late Bi-Weekly Issues - Already Claimed
Monthly 10 More than 1
1 to User preference (e.g., 7)
Late Monthly Issues - Already Claimed
Bi-Monthly 15 More than 1
1 to User preference (e.g., 7)
Late Bi-Monthly Issues - Already Claimed
Quarterly 15 More than 1
1 to User preference (e.g., 7)
Late Quarterly Issues - Already Claimed
3/Year 20 More than 1
1 to User preference (e.g., 7)
Late 3/Year Issues - Already Claimed
Semi-Annual 20 More than 1
1 to User preference (e.g., 7)
Late Semi-Annual Issues - Already Claimed
Annual 20 More than 1
1 to User preference (e.g., 7)
Late Annual Issues - Already Claimed
Every 2 Years 20 More than 1
1 to User preference (e.g., 7)
Late Biennial Issues - Already Claimed

Create a saved search for all issues claimed more than your maximum limit

(Optional) You can create a saved search that captures all issues claimed more than your maximum limit. You can use this search to review whether claiming needs to be stopped for the issues that appear.

  1. Navigate to Serial Issues > Missing Issues. The Missing Issues screen opens.
  2. Click Claims > More than, enter the maximum number of times you want to claim an issue (e.g., 7) in the text field, and click Apply.
  3. Click Save Search to open the Save Search dialog.
  4. From the Saved Search dialog, enter a name for your search in the Name text field.
  5. Click Save.

Create automated jobs

An automated job must be created for each of your saved searches.

  1. Navigate to Automated Jobs > Jobs > New Job. The New Job dialog opens.
  2. Enter Late Weekly Issues - Never Claimed in the Name text field.
  3. Select Serial Issue Claim from the Type drop-down list.
  4. Click Save. The job configuration screen opens.
  5. On the job configuration screen:
    1. Enter Late Weekly Issues - Never Claimed in the Saved Search text field.
       Note: This is an auto-suggest text field. Auto-suggestions for field-appropriate elements start with the first keystroke in the text field.
    2. In the Reply To field, select a library contact. This is the person at your library who the vendor can contact about the serials claim. The default contact is the first person listed in the OCLC WorldCat Registry for your library.
      1. (Optional) Change the Reply to contact.
        1. Click Change.
        2. Click the Choose field to search through all users. Use the text field to search for a name, or select a name from the list.
           Note: This is an auto-suggest text field. Auto-suggestions for field-appropriate elements start with the first keystroke in the text field. Auto-suggestions include an email address for the user which is pulled from Delivery Notification of the WorldShare Admin module. If no email exists in the Delivery Notification section, the Library Record email address will be used.
        3. Click a name in the list to make them the library contact.
      2. (Optional) Select Do Not Reply.
    3. (Optional) Select custom claim text from the Custom Claim Text drop-down list. If selected, this text will display on all claims made with this job. You can create custom claim text in Institution Settings.
    4. Select the Schedule under which you want to send claims to vendors from the drop-down list.
      • Inactive - Use when you do not want to enable the job.
      • Daily - Select the time of day.
      • Weekly - Select a day of the week and a time of day.
      • Monthly - Select a day of the month and a time of day.
      • Manual only - Use only if you want to run this job manually using the Run button at the top of the page.
    5. Enter the name of the user you want to be notified each time the job is run in the Notify text field. This user will receive an email report with the number of issues claimed, along with a list of both issues that were successfully claimed as well as any issues that could not be claimed.
       Note: This is an auto-suggest text field. Auto-suggestions for field-appropriate elements start with the first keystroke in the text field. Auto-suggestions include an email address for the user which is pulled from Delivery Notification of the WorldShare Admin module. If no email exists in the Delivery Notification section, the Library Record email address will be used.
    6. Click Save.
  6. Repeat steps 1-6 for the remainder of your saved searches using the values outlined below.
Create automated jobs and link to saved searches - Values
Create an automated job named... Link to the saved search named...
Late Bi-Weekly Issues - Never Claimed Late Bi-Weekly Issues - Never Claimed
Late Monthly Issues - Never Claimed Late Monthly Issues - Never Claimed
Late Bi-Monthly Issues - Never Claimed Late Bi-Monthly Issues - Never Claimed
Late Quarterly Issues - Never Claimed Late Quarterly Issues - Never Claimed
Late 3/Year Issues - Never Claimed Late 3/Year Issues - Never Claimed
Late Semi-Annual Issues - Never Claimed Late Semi-Annual Issues - Never Claimed
Late Annual Issues - Never Claimed Late Annual Issues - Never Claimed
Late Biennial Issues - Never Claimed Late Biennial Issues - Never Claimed
Late Weekly Issues - Already Claimed Late Weekly Issues - Already Claimed
Late Bi-Weekly Issues - Already Claimed Late Bi-Weekly Issues - Already Claimed
Late Monthly Issues - Already Claimed Late Monthly Issues - Already Claimed
Late Bi-Monthly Issues - Already Claimed Late Bi-Monthly Issues - Already Claimed
Late Quarterly Issues - Already Claimed Late Quarterly Issues - Already Claimed
Late 3/Year Issues - Already Claimed Late 3/Year Issues - Already Claimed
Late Semi-Annual Issues - Already Claimed Late Semi-Annual Issues - Already Claimed
Late Annual Issues - Already Claimed Late Annual Issues - Already Claimed
Late Biennial Issues - Already Claimed Late Biennial Issues - Already Claimed

View activity logs for an automated serial claiming job

You can view the status of an automated serial claiming job with the automated job activity log. The activity log provides the same details as the email notification sent after each run.

  1. Navigate to Automated Jobs > Jobs.
  2. Select Serial Issues Claim(s) from the Type filter and click Apply.
  3. Click the Name of the job to view the Serial Issue Claiming job screen.
  4. From the Serial Issue Claiming job screen, click Activity Log to open the accordion.
  5. (Optional) Click View Details in the Status Message column to open the Logging Details dialog, which provides additional details about the activity process including why an issue was not claimed.

 Note: There are two primary reasons an issue from a saved search cannot be automatically claimed by the system.

  • The issue has no vendor associated with it - Vendors are associated with an issue when a subscription order item exists for the same OCLC Number as the title of the issue. If no order item, and thus vendor, is associated with the issue, the system cannot determine where to send the claim. In the email notification for this automated job, you will see a section with a list of issues labeled No Vendor. You must create order items for these titles for automatic claiming of issues to take place.
  • The issue has an associated vendor, but the vendor has no contact information or there is no email address for the provided contact - If the vendor associated with the issue has no contact information or no email, there is no way to determine the email address to which to send the claim. These errors are also reported in the email notification for the automated job. You can then add the appropriate contact information for this vendor.

Available Activity Log and Logging Details columns

Activity Log and Logging Details columns - Table
Column Descripción
Date The date and time the file was processed.
Type The type of file that was processed (i.e., Automated Job: Serial Issue Claiming).
Result The result of the file that was processed (e.g., 13 of 13 issues claimed from one vendor).
Details Additional details about the file that was processed.
Status Icon associated with the severity of the file that was processed (Success, Warning, or Error).
Status Message The status of the file that was processed (Completed or Failed). If the status is Completed, the View Details link will be present. Click View Details to open the Logging Details dialog.