Acquisitions terms

Learn how acquisitions terminology including order types, acquisitions types, and processing types, is used in WorldShare Acquisitions.

Use the following tables to understand how acquisitions terminology is used in WorldShare Acquisitions.    

Order types

Order Type Definición Create for Workflow Funds
Approval Plan List of items received as part of an agreement with a vendor to send items based on a profile. The library retains the right to return items not needed.

Each plan and vendor with which you have an agreement to receive items.

You can name the Approval Plan to reflect the vendor, year the plan covers, and type of material (e.g. YBP New Fiction 2015)

  1. Add items to an Approval Plan when they are received from the vendor.
  2. Receive and invoice items.
Funds are not encumbered. You can designate a fund for these items in a budget. Funds are expended when items are invoiced and paid.
Pedido global List of items received as part of an agreement with a vendor to send items based on a profile. Vendors do not allow the return of items.

Each plan and vendor with which you have an agreement to receive items.

You can name the Blanket Order to reflect the vendor, the year the plan covers, and the type of material (e.g. Ingram Philosophy Books 2015).

  1. Add items to a Blanket Order when they are received from the vendor.
  2. Receive and invoice items.

This workflow is the same as the workflow for Approval Plans.

Funds are not encumbered. You can designate a fund for these items in a budget. Funds are expended when items are invoiced and paid.
DDA (Demand Driven Acquisitions) Plan List of items received as part of an agreement with a vendor to trigger purchase of online materials based on patron usage. Also known as Patron Driven Acquisitions (PDA).

Each e-book agreement you maintain.

You can name the DDA Plan to reflect the vendor, year the plan covers, and type of material (e.g. EBL Custom Collection 2015). 

  1. Add items to a DDA Plan after the purchase is triggered.
  2. Receive and invoice items.
Funds are not encumbered. You can designate a fund for these items in a budget. Funds are expended when items are invoiced and paid.
Lista de regalos/donaciones List of items received from a specific person or organization for free or at little cost to the library. Create one list for all gifts/donations received, or create a list for each donor.
  1. Add items to a Gift/Donation List when they are received from the donor.
  2. Receive items.
Lista de depósitos legales List of items received as part of an arrangement with a governmental entity to keep some or all of its publications at the library. Titles received from federal or state agencies that distribute publications at no cost to the depository library.
  1. Add items to a Legal Deposit List when they are received. Or add items to claim through Missing order items.
  2. Receive items.
Purchase Order List of items created by the library to be submitted to a vendor. Each group of items that you plan to order from a vendor.

Two options:

1a. Place an order with the vendor.

1b. Track the order through WorldShare Acquisitions.


2a. Place an order in WorldShare Acquisitions.

2b. Notify the vendor through WorldShare Acquisitions.

Placing an order in WorldShare Acquisitions encumbers funds. Funds are expended when the invoice is paid.
Orden permanente

List of items received as part of an agreement with a vendor to send items belonging to a series or specific publication.

Use standing orders only when the items in the series are cataloged separately (each having a unique bibliographic record).

If you are using a single bibliographic record for the series or publication, do not create a Standing Order. Add the item to a Purchase Order using the processing type Serial.

Each book series or publication received from a vendor as new titles or editions are published.

The Standing Order name should reflect the name of the publication or series (for example, Literary Marketplace or Methods in Enzymology).

  1. Add annual or reference publications using a record for the year or edition.
  2. Add volumes in a book series published with unique titles in addition to the series title using a record for the unique title.
  3. Receive and invoice items.
Funds are not encumbered. You can designate a fund for these items in a budget from which funds are expended when items are invoiced and paid.

Acquisitions types

Acquisitions types Use when ordering Purchase is complete Example items
One-Time Specific titles and number of copies. In a single transaction. Books, e-books, DVDs, journal back files.
Subscription Serials or continuing online resources. After a designated period of time or number of issues. Journals, e-journals, aggregated databases.

Processing types

Processing types Uso para Ejemplos
Electronic Product All e-products.
  • E-periodicals
  • E-books
  • E-collections
Local A physical or nonphysical item that does not belong in WorldCat or the knowledge base (e.g., membership, furniture, office supplies, technology, etc.). On the receiving screen, the Local resource processing type is split into the following types based on the related Acquisitions Type:
  • Local - One Time
  • Local - Subscription
  • SMART board
  • Table and chairs
  • Professional organization membership
  • Whiteboard markers
Monographic Series Monographs released in successive volumes by a single publisher. Each volume in the series has a unique title and ISBN, but all volumes share a common series title.  
Serial Print serials and multi-part monographs where multiple barcodes are applied.
  • Reference book that is published in two volumes
  • Audio CD that consists of two discs, which each have their own barcode
Monografía Monographs where only one barcode is applied.
  • Book that is complete in a single volume
  • DVD or DVD set that is circulated as a single item