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Example format text

Discover an example of how the format text in an output format record is built up in OLIB.

►Data Exchange Reference Data> Output Formats

This information shows you how to enter the formatted text to configure an output format for exporting data. In the following example an output format is built up step by step with a sequence of tagged fields (taken from the OLIB Export Data Tag List).

The tag format used for the output is to include fields within Hash tags (mnemonics surrounded by hashes) to control the display of the data and associated text.

Title and Subtitle

In the simplest format a single field can be entered without hash tags – although the addition of the line break character would probably be valuable as well:


This would export the Title field with each record on a new line.

To include the subtitle, hash tags are used to start and end the new field:

<TI>#STNN# : <ST>#/STNN#

The hash tag ST has NN added to indicate that the subtitle field should be ignored if it is null. The programming is similar to HTML where the hash character # opens the command (#STNN#) and the hash character followed by a slash #/ closes it (#/STNN#).

In the example shown because the STNN tag has been opened and closed on the same line – the first line of each record will be the title, the subtitle will follow the title on the same line, preceded by a colon (:).

To avoid the ':' appearing in the output for records that have no subtitle, the subtitle section is surrounded by a #STNN# hash tag.

Author data: repeated fields

The format for repeated data fields is more complex. The author data is to start on a new line – so the introductory tag is on the 1st line and the remainder of the data is on the 2nd line. All authors are required with the surname followed by the forename – separated by a comma. Each author record except the first one is preceded by a semi-colon. All authors are included. So the full author section of the export will read:

#A1#<AS>, <AF>#/A1##AU#; <AS>, <AF>#/AU##/AUNN#

Imprint statement

Adding the imprint statement uses a similar format. It is possible for a Title record in OLIB to have multiple imprint statements; if only the first one is wanted for the export the #P1# tag is used:

#P1#<PP> : <PU>, <TD>#/P1##/PUNN#


If the first ISBN only is required:



The classmark is required but in this case the classmark and shelfmark fields hold the same data. The label for the classmark field is going to be Shelfmark. Only the first classmark is needed:

#L1#Shelfmark <CM>#/L1##/CMNN#

Number of copies

Finally a count of the number of copies is to be included with the label No. of copies.

No. of copies <COPIES>


Completed format text looks like this:

#A1#<AS>, <AF>#/A1##AU#; <AS>, <AF>#/AU##/AUNN##PUNN#
#P1#<PP> : <PU>, <TD>#/P1##/PUNN##ISNN#
#L1#Shelfmark <CM>#/L1##/CMNN#
No. of copies <COPIES>

The additional break tag #B# puts a blank line between each record exported.

After saving and testing the output, the records output would look like this:

Greek cooking
United Kingdom : Ward Lock, 1990
Shelfmark 641.59495
No. of copies 1

Greek Islands
United Kingdom : Harper Collins, 1991
Shelfmark 914.99
No. of copies 1

Export formats for Journal Articles

OLIB uses an analytical cataloguing feature to create journal issue and article records for the catalogue. This structure can be represented in Output Formats so that article records are exported:

  1. In Output Formats create a new record.
  2. Enter a Description e.g. Articles.
  3. Set the Domain to Titles.
  4. Leave Call Ref. to default as usual.
  5. The Format Text can be configured like this:

This example of Format Text would output as follows:

Time series sampling and data assimilation in a simple marine ecosystem model
In: Journal of biochemistry: January 1996

 Note: it's possible to define a parent output format which covers monographic media types and link a child format to it for a specific media type like Journal Article. On the child format set the Media Types code(s) this is to be used for, e.g. ;SART;. In the Parent Output Format select the parent format e.g. Holdings list.

An alternative format for a Journal Article would be to use the ARTCIT tag. This is a single field that is a concatenation of the journal title, issue title and article pagination and in this case the Format Text would be:
