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Tags 772, 773

Discover how parent and host tags are used in OLIB.


Tag(s) 772, 773
Indicators 0, #

The 772 tag will be present for child titles which have at least one copy with a barcode. The second indicator will be blank if there is a grandparent title or if the parent title is a continuing resource, as flagged by its RDA Mode of Issuance. 

The 773 tag will be present to link to the parent if the title has no barcoded copies.

Subfields t,d,w,x, and z These subfields are exported from the OLIB for titles which have parents.
Imports to   A parent title is imported from incoming 773 tags.
Exports from   The parent, and other ancestor, titles.


For the MARC21 notes on this tag, start here and here.

Example value:

0 $tHarry Potter Foreign Language Collection$d United Kingdom : Salamandra, 2006.$w8530$z0708905749$w(OCoLC-OPFDI)8530


These tags are predominantly for export.

Subcampo Sample Notes
t Harry Potter Foreign Language Collection The parent title and all ancestors, together with the Article Source field from the child title.
d United Kingdom : Salamandra, 2006. Publication data for the parent title. When this is present, the child title does not export its own publication data (260).
w 8530 The parent title number, and, if present, an ancestor's OCLC Number.
x   The ISSN from the furthest parent title.
z 0708905749 The ISBN from the furthest parent title.


Subfields that are not itemised above are not handled by OLIB.