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Tag 300

Discover how the physical description tag is used in OLIB.


Tag(s) 300
Indicators #; # Both indicators are undefined and will export as blanks.
Subfields a, b, c, e, f, g, 3
A, B, I, C, S, E, T, W
These subfields are imported and exported to/from various fields on the Title Physical record attached to the Title.


For the MARC21 notes on this tag, start here.


Example value:

$a602 pages ; $c22 cm
Subcampo Sample Notes
a 602 pages ; The data in this subfield imports to the Length field on the Title Physical record.
Control over which Title Physical fields export to which subfields is described below.
b ill. (high contrast) The data in this subfield imports to the Enrich field on the Title Physical record.
Control over which Title Physical fields export to which subfields is described below.
c 22 cm The data in this subfield imports to the Dim. Use field on the Title Physical record.
Control over which Title Physical fields export to which subfields is described below.
e Audio CD The data in this subfield imports to the Acc. Material field on the Title Physical record.
Control over which Title Physical fields export to which subfields is described below.
f embossed pages The data in this subfield imports to the Material Type field on the Title Physical record.
Control over which Title Physical fields export to which subfields is described below.
g A5 The data in this subfield imports to the Dim. Non Use field on the Title Physical record.
Control over which Title Physical fields export to which subfields is described below.
3 paper The data in this subfield imports to the Format field on the Title Physical record.
Control over which Title Physical fields export to which subfields is described below.
A Business card sized CD The data in this subfield imports to the Acc. Desc field on the Title Physical record.
Control over which Title Physical fields export to which subfields is described below.
B ring comb The data in this subfield imports to the Binding field on the Title Physical record.
Control over which Title Physical fields export to which subfields is described below.
I 8 The data in this subfield imports to the No. Items field on the Title Physical record.
Control over which Title Physical fields export to which subfields is described below.
C 8x 70-page comb bound booklets The data in this subfield imports to the Physical Chars field on the Title Physical record.
Control over which Title Physical fields export to which subfields is described below.
S 140gsm The data in this subfield imports to the Special Chars field on the Title Physical record.
Control over which Title Physical fields export to which subfields is described below.
E 1.44mm x 0.48mm dots The data in this subfield imports to the Specific Enrich field on the Title Physical record.
Control over which Title Physical fields export to which subfields is described below.
T Braillo The data in this subfield imports to the Trade Names field on the Title Physical record.
Control over which Title Physical fields export to which subfields is described below.
W 5.5kg The data in this subfield imports to the Weight field on the Title Physical record.
Control over which Title Physical fields export to which subfields is described below.


Subfields that are not itemised above are not handled by OLIB.

Punctuation for this field is largely handled automatically. In some cases, manual adjustment may be required. Two helper fields can be added to the Title Physical layout: Subfield sequencing and punctuation and Export View.
The first of these describes how the subfields relate to the punctuation and position of the data.
For this example record, this could contain:

        $a<length> ; $c<dimuse>

This is interpreted for export as:


Start Subfield 'a' in this position


Place the value from 'Length' here


Place a space, a ';' and a space in this position because there is a $c to follow


Start Subfield 'c' in this position


Place the value for subfield 'c' (Dim. Use) here


Below is a full list of the field mnemonics:


Mnemonic OLIB Field name
acc_desc Acc. Desc
acc_mat Acc. Material
bind Binding
dimnonuse Dim. Non Use
dimuse Dim. Use
Mnemonic OLIB Field name
enrich Enrich
format Formato
length Longitud
mattype Tipo de material
items No. Items
Mnemonic OLIB Field name
chars Physical Chars
spec Special Chars
specenr Specific Enrich
trade Trade Names
weight Weight