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Create the import batch record

Learn how to create an import batch record and link it to your MARC import file or use automatic checking of an ftp site.

►Data Exchange> Import Batch

There are 2 main methods for obtaining the MARC import data:

  • Attach an import file: with this method you use the Import Batch domain to create a record containing a link to the MARC import file. The Import Batch record has the import file linked to it as an attached object. It also contains various settings that determine how the import data is to be handled.
  • Automatic retrieval via ftp: with this method you use the Import Batch domain to create a record with Batch Type of FTP Retrieval (MARC). OLIB is set to check an FTP site automatically and upload new MARC files from it, as and when the files appear. The OLIB Data Ingest Service is a dbms job that runs every 15 minutes and checks the FTP site for new files. For example this has been used to allow interoperability with WorldShare Collection Manager for automatic collection of MARC files. As part of Collection Manager, OCLC also stores the e-book MARC record files on an FTP site; OLIB can check this FTP site and upload the MARC file.  

Create import batch record

  1. Go to Data Exchange> Import Batch
  2. Click New Record.
  3. Set the Batch Type, this field determines the type of import to take place:
  • Set to MARC Exchange Formatted File if attaching an import file
  • Set to FTP Retrieval (MARC) if using automatic retrieval via ftp
  • Set to EDI Quotes (MARC) if importing order data from your acquisitions supplier
  1. The Batchno field contains the system generated unique identifier. You may use this to search for and retrieve the batch for later processing.
  2. Enter a Description of the file to be imported. You may use this to search for and retrieve the batch for later processing.
  3. Select the relevant MARC Variant for this import, e.g. MARC21.
  4. Select the Record Source from reference data. This should already exist. It helps to identify the source of the data so that you can search for these imported Title records after they are loaded.
  5. The Match Flag is a required field that determines how the data in the incoming records is used to match against titles already in the database. Records can be matched on RCN, ISSN, ISBN. Optionally the matching can also include the first 50 characters of the Title record. If specifying match on RCN, name the Import RCN Tag (after MARC21 conversion).
Select from these options
Match on ISBN and 50 chars of title  The import will match existing records using the ISBN and the 1st 50 characters in the title field.
Match on ISSN and 50 chars of title  The import will match existing records using the ISSN and the 1st 50 characters in the title field.
Match on ISSN The import will match existing records using the ISSN.
Match on ISxNs The import will match existing records using the ISBN or other format of ISxN (e.g. ISMN).
Match on OCLC number The import will match existing records using the OCLC number.
Match on OCLC number and 50 chars of title  The import will match existing records using the OCLC number and the 1st 50 characters in the title field.
Match on RCN The import will match existing records using the Import RCN.
Match on RCN and 50 chars of title  The import will match existing records using the Import RCN and the 1st 50 characters in the title field.
  1. The Import RCN Tag field is for the tag that is used to identify the record control number. This is commonly 001.
  2. Modify Flag is a required field that determines what action is taken when an incoming record matches one in the database.
Select from these options
*Add and Update all incoming records   The import will match existing records using the option chosen for Match. All new information in the matching incoming records will be added to the existing record if the encoding levels are set appropriately. New records will be created, together with their copy information. If Create When Dup is set to Yes, then copy information will be added to existing records that match the chosen criteria.
Add holdings and/or new records This will cause the import to match existing records using the option chosen for Match Flag and add copy information from the incoming data. All other information in the matching incoming records will be ignored. New records will be created, together with their copy information.
Add holdings information only Copy information only will be added to existing Title records.
Add matched records to auto-delete folder  
Add only new records Causes the import to skip any records that match the chosen criteria and create new Titles from the remaining data.
Only load matching MARC records This option will cause the import to update existing records with the incoming data, if the encoding levels are set appropriately. Records that do not match will be skipped.
Replace just URLs and/or add new records Only replace the URLs when a record is matched and leave the rest of the Title intact.
*Replace matching records, retaining URLs and/or add new records

Retain the existing URLs, but replace everything else on the Title.

To use this option, a Record Source needs to be selected in the import batch. The source chosen needs to have a higher priority than the record source in the title records being updated. If the record source field in the title record is blank, then it defaults to 0 . Therefore the record source in the import batch needs to have a priority of 1 or more. (To see the priority of a Record Source go to Cataloguing Reference Data> Record Source Codes).

   *Note: Internal Notes on the bibliographic record will not be replaced during a MARC import when these options are used.

  1. Optionally you may have configured import Folders for you to view the imported data. If so, New Items Folder and Matched Items Folder are then available in this layout. Choose the relevant Folder from the drop downs.

Get the data

Attach an import file

  1. After you create the Import Batch record above, edit the record.
  2. In Files to Import click New. Here you link your import file to this Import Batch record as an attached object. The Type of import defaults in, optionally enter the Title of this file and a Version. Set Locate By to Filename.
  3. In the File field click the check box.
  4. Next it is crucial that the In Database and Import Now? flags are set to Yes.
  5. Click Save and Close. Once saved, OLIB displays a dialog for selecting the file.
  6. Click the Choose File button and navigate to the import file. Select the file and Save and Close the dialog.
  7. The file is now displayed in the Import Batch record. Save the details. This process transfers the data to the server for import. There may be a pause at this point while the data is being transferred across the network.

Complete the remaining fields:

Complete the remaining fields
Campo Descripción
Total Titles Auto-populated and incremented with every Title added to the catalogue.
Auth Default Determines the default for the record status to be used when creating records.
Data entered by Assigns the chosen user to the records created and will be used in cataloguing statistical reports.
Batch entered by  Identifies the user that created the Import Batch.
Reformat Subject Whether or not tracings are generated from the subject headings during import.
Preferred Class Schemes: First  Identifies the field from which the primary classmark will be imported. This field is critical as the classmark in the titles hitlist is populated with the primary classmark.
Preferred Class Schemes: Second Identifies the field from which the secondary classmark will be imported - may be left blank.
Create Order Items Determines whether matching order items records will be created for the titles being imported.
Create Copy on CheckIn This will be copied to the order item record.
949 - Holdings Information Select catalogue reference data values for the processing of copy information: Location, Collection, Copy Category, Shelf. Select the correct Holdings Type A, B, E.

The Import Settings sheet is for information only. The value in the Default column is what is set if the import file does not contain a value. The import settings can be changed in the Data Exchange> Import Settings domain, normally via OCLC Support.

After creating the Import Batch record, you can preprocess the data to create a Summary and MARC Mapping based on the attached file. This is then used to work through the MARC tags and change how the import will treat them.

Automatic retrieval via ftp

OLIB is set to run automatically to retrieve a MARC file from an FTP server and import it (one Import batch record is needed per supplier).

  1. After you create the Import Batch record above, edit the record.
  2. Complete the FTP ingest details. The OLIB Data Ingest Service periodically checks the FTP site you configure here:
Enable Ingest     Leave set to No until you are ready to test. Set to Yes once you are satisfied with the values in the other fields. Setting this field to Yes and saving the record will cause the OLIB Data Ingest Service to pick up and process the record when it next runs. The OLIB Data Ingest Service is a dbms job that runs every 15 minutes.
FTP Server  Enter the name of the FTP server to which the Supplier’s system will place the MARC records. e.g. for the supplier OCLC:
User/Password  Enter the login credentials to be used when the OLIB Data Ingest Service connects to the FTP server. Obtain this from the supplier, e.g. OCLC, jisc…
Directory Enter the directory that the OLIB Data Ingest Service should change to once it has logged into the FTP server. Leave this field blank if not required.
File (name) mask Enter the file mask to cause the OLIB Data Ingest Service to only look for certain files on the FTP server, e.g. *.mrc. (A fail safe mechanism).
Retrieve in ASCII mode?  Set to No for MARC records (Unicode UTF-8).

Ingest schedule

Set these fields accordingly depending on how frequently the OLIB Data Ingest Service should connect to the FTP server and ingest any files that it finds there, e.g. 1 day, starting from 'tomorrow'.

When ready to go live, set to e.g. once a week, or as required.

File processing

OLIB will attempt to delete the file once it has already retrieved it. If for some reason it could not delete the file, OLIB will mark the file name and thereby ignore it in future.

In addition the date format elements can be used as file name filters: the File and/or Directory name can include date format elements such as <YYYYMMDD> or <YY>-<MM>-<DD>. When these elements are used, OLIB will look for files with today’s date and yesterday’s date. It will attempt to delete the file from the source FTP site, but if this does not work it will not try to retrieve the file again.

Create an additional Import Batch if you also want to collect records that should be deleted from OLIB: MARC Processing for Deleted Records.