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Keyword search in stockitem

Learn about stockitem keyword search in Amlib.

Stockitem keyword search

  • Main > StockItems > StockitemKeyword

The Keyword is entered in box 1 and the Tab key is pressed. Once the Tab key is pressed, the results will display in the box on the right. The Keyword code (Type) is also shown.

These codes are set up in:

  • Main > Authorities> Authorities > select Application > KeywordDesc
  • The Codes are usually self-explanatory – for example: T = Title, A =Author and S = Subject

  • Searches can be narrowed depending whether they are/are not:



En préstamo

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Stats Codes

Highlight the required code/s for the search. To deselect code/s, click the highlighted code/s


Form Type

  • Boolean operands of AND, OR and NOT are available in the query.
  • The Stockitem results can be displayed as a count using the F3 Count button or displayed a results list using the F5 Query button

Create a search

  1. From the Stockitem menu, select Application > StockKeyword – the Stockitem Keyword screen will display
  2. Enter the keyword in box 1 and press the <Tab> key – the adjacent keyword table fills with a count of the number of keywords found as a result of the search:

    Please Note: The keyword entered in box 1 may be typed in already containing the keyword identifier Type – for example: T.ANIMALS that indicates to search only Animals in the Title.

  3. Highlight the entries to query from the table – for example, a search for Fish yielded four Types found for the Word Animals (Dewey, Title, Subject, Notes) plus numerous other entries
    • To select only the Title result, highlight the line beginning with the Type of T
  4. Click the Paste button – the highlighted selections will drop down into box 3:

  5. When highlighting highlighting more than one entry from the Keyword table and selecting Paste, an OR search is defined between Keyword codes – for example: N.Fish (Notes – Fish) or S.Fish (Subject – Fish) or T.Fish (Title – Fish). A count of the total catalogues found for the OR search will list in the Cat. Count column. If an AND search is required, the Keywords can be chosen separately from the Table and the AND operand is automatically selected.
  6. Steps 2-5 can be repeated for other Terms as required
  7. Selecting the F3 Count button results in the number of Stockitems for the Query:

  8. Further refine the search by indicating whether the items are Reserved, On Loan, On Order, specify a particular Stats code(s), Form Type(s) Location or Group

  9. Selecting the F3 Count button results in the number of Stockitems for the Query:

  10. Selecting the F5 Query button results in a display of Stockitems that meet the Search criteria: Query results display in the Stockitem List table and are subject to normal rules set on that screen – for example: ReadOnly, Set size, etc.