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Edit Messages

Learn how to use the Instance Messages window to add a new message, edit fields, edit values, and delete instant messages in Amlib SIP2.

The Instance Messages window will display. Apart from one, Messages are linked as pairs, with a Request and a Response together. For example a Checkin Request is linked to a Checkin Response.

Block Patron is an exception to this and is a separate Request Message with no linked Response This Window displays :

  1. Number of the Message – this is the Standard No for SIP2 and cannot be altered
  2. Description of the Message
  3. Message Type:
    • Request – Cannot be edited
    • Response – Can be edited

      Note: When clicking on a Request line, the Edit button remains grey because only Response messages can be edited
  4. Click on any Response Message to be edited. The Edit button will display
  5. For example, click on Hold response
  6. The Message fields relevant to the Response will display
  7. Fields are different Types
    • System: Defined from a predefined process. Cannot be edited
    • Database: Value is a Database Lookup (Table, column/s & formatting)
    • Parameter: Value is dependent on Parameter(s) check (Boolean Fields only)
    • Incoming: Value is from an Incoming Field in the request message
    • Action: Value is from a predefined action
    • Constant: Value does not change

Adding a New Message to the Instance

New Fields can be added if the parameter allows. This depends on the Vendor chosen and the Instances Messages already defined

  1. From the Instance Messages Window select the Add Button
  2. The Add Message – Instance window will display where any Master Messages available to add will be listed
  3. Click the Include checkbox if to be included. Master Message to add or Select All to tick All Messages
  4. Select OK
  5. The selected Message will now list in the Instance Message Table. Note: The accompanying Response Message will also be added. For example, if Renew (Message 29) is added, the linked Response (Message 30 – Renew Response) will also be added

Edit Fields

Where Fields exist for Instance messages, it is possible to Edit the actual Fields of the Message

  1. Highlight the message and select Edit Fields
  2. The Message Fields Window will display
  3. It is possible to alter either Add or Edit the Type or Values
  4. To Add a Message Type
    1. Select Add. Any Master Field not yet applied to the Instance will display. Select any Message Fields to add by clicking into the Include Checkbox
      • If most parameters are to be included select the Select All button and revise to uncheck any not to be included
      • To uncheck most of the parameters there is an Unselect All button that may be useful
      • The Fields are listed with the Field Description and the Message Field Type

        Note: Some of the Response Messages may already be included. This is because they are required Fields in the Standards
    2. It is possible to alter the Message Type by selecting from the Drop-down options. This will depend on the Message and guidance sort from the 3M Standard Interchange Protocol. The Message Type will be one of the following:
      • Action
      • Constant
      • Database
      • Incoming
      • Parameter
      • System (Note: These cannot be altered to another Type )
    3. The Message Field will appear in the list

To Edit Values

There should be at least one value for each Message Field (except System Fields which do not require a Value)

  1. Highlight the Message Field
  2. Select Edit Values from the Message Fields Window
  3. The elements of the Response Packet will display
  4. New elements can be added by clicking on the New Button. This will depend on the Vendor and what is required to be contained in the Response packets back to the Vendor. It will also depend on what Type of Field is identified.
  5. If a Database Field, the first value on the Field Value table is the Table name from which to derive the data. The second value must always be a column name for the table. The Table names include:
    1. Prestatario
    2. Financial Transactions
    3. Items on Loan
    4. Reservation
    5. Stockitem

  6. The other Values that can be selected depend on the Table Name. If this first selection Value is edited and changed, then the other Values are no longer Valid and will require reselection.
  7. Once the Table name has been selected, click the Special Button to choose the other Column Values. These can be selected from a Drop-down box to be selected and moved to the Column
    1. Select the Value from the Drop-down box
    2. Click the Column button to move it to the Selection box
    3. Text or Spaces can be added. Enter the relevant Text in the right hand Text Field and select the Text button to move it to the Selection box. Note: Spaces can be added here to make it easier to read and is indicated as a <space> in the Selection box
    4. Click OK to save the Table Column Values or click Cancel to exit
  8. If Cancel is selected a confirmation will display
  9. Select Yes to Save the changes, No to exit without Saving and Cancel to remain on the Window for further editing
  10. Message Values can be moved up and down the list by using the Up and Down buttons with the exception of a Database Type field where the first value is always the Table and the second must be a valid column name.
    1. Highlight the Value line to move
    2. Click on the Up or Down button as required
    3. Click OK when the Order is fixed correctly

Delete Instance Message

From the Instance Messages Window highlight the Message line to delete and select the Delete Button

If the Request line is deleted the Response part of the pair will also be deleted. The Response part cannot be deleted separately

Warning: Deleting Instance Messages would not normally be necessary unless advised from the Vendor that the Request packets are no longer sent

A confirmation message will be displayed. Select Yes to delete and No to cancel