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Settings in configuration set by administrator

Find information about the administrator settings in configuration for Amlib OpenOPAC.


  • There are several set themes to choose from such as: Winter, Autumn, Summer, Spring, Nature or Poppy, Dark Knight etc.
  • You can also customize your own, by choosing your own colour combinations for your own theme and saving this theme with a new name by selecting New

  • There is a diagram with numbers explaining which each section is called, so you are able to change the correct section to the colour you want

  • On the left hand-side of this screen you will see the sections you are able to change & choose colours for

Please note: After saving, some browsers keep the old colour settings in the cache. Clearing the browsers cache will prevent this (for most browsers pressing Ctrl-F5 will do this)

Please see other guide on the OCLC site for ‘Creating New Themes & Logos for OpenOPAC’ to help # you create your own theme, maybe matching you logo or library site

This is great site to get the Hex values if you know the Red, Green and Blue values of a colour: [using paint will give you your Red, Blue, Green values]

This site is great once you have the HEX value to get matching shades of your school or Council colours.


From this screen you are able to set up what the users will see and how your records will be searched and displayed.

  • The selected items are shown on the search result list and in the details list, the unchecked ones are hidden
  • By ticking the boxes you can choose what filters your patrons see
  • Note: the fields that have * next to them are being used for searching, so it would be confusing for users to hide those fields
  • Note: the items that have ** next to them are the fields being used for filtering
  • Select Other Links if you have 856 Tags you want displayed

There is a list to configure for each of the following: Search result list; Search result list – copies; Details view (bibliographic view); Details view – copies.

You can Save or Cancel the changes you make.

Visibility (Mobile)

  • From this screen you are able to set up what the users will see on their Mobile devices, and how your records will be searched and displayed.
  • The selected items are shown on the search result list and in the details list, the unchecked ones are hidden
  • By ticking the boxes you can choose what filters your patrons see
  • Note: the fields that have * next to them are being used for searching, so it would be confusing for users to hide those fields

Note: the items that have ** next to them are the fields being used for filtering

NOTE: Only select the most important options for your library, to get an optimal display on mobile devices


  • In this area there are many options available to customise OpenOPAC for your library:
  • Enrichment providers can be selected ; The Name you want to display for your library and the image you want displayed ; Default sort order: how you want the results sorted as you default option.; Viewing Options, as to what you’d like your patrons to have access to or view when using OpenOPAC ;
  • Also your SMTP Options: where you set up the email settings required to allow emails to be sent from OPENOPAC

  • Ensure you add reprt.exe as an exception to your Virus Program if you have one, so that the email function work.
  • Throughout the configuration screens, you are given the option to change your PIN when on the parameters Tab , if you wish to as well 

Parameters to set & select


  • You can choose the name of your Library, to what will be displayed on the side of your Opac. Changing it is easy if the need arises

Default sort order

You can choose how the results are returned either by Relevance, Author, Title, Latest publication Year First or Oldest Publication date first

Log level

This should be set at WARN unless this setting has been requested to be changed by Support staff at OCLC, to create a detailed log file to investigate an issue or error being reported. The Log Level specifies the amount of details in the log files. The lowest level (Debug) shows most details in the log file – this level should only be set if development asks for this amount of detailing, in order to debug or try to find the reasons for the exceptions

Allow join online

  • You can also select whether you want to allow new patrons to Join Online or not

[ this is available ONLY on the Desktop version of OpenOPAC]

  • You MUST have these 2 settings set in Amlib Supervisor > Installation > Other Tab settings for the OpenOPAC Default Borrower & OpenOPAC Default Bower status for Join online option to display.

  • You will need to set up your default text for your terms and conditions in the configuration area, under the text tab

  • If you have already installed OpenOPAC and then add these changes to the Supervisor module for you default Borrower type and status. You then need to go into the Configuration area > select the Upload tab and > Reset memory
  • To locate any new online members you will find them by going to Main > Borrowers BorrowerWhere > and search for BarCode > LIKE > Type TEMP Paste > [see Interaction of OpenOPAC with Amlib]

Allow reservation by catalogue title or by stockitems

  • You can choose either or both options depending how you would like your patrons to reserve their items. If you want them to be able to reserve specific items then select Allow Reservation of Stockitems. OR If you would prefer they reserve a title and that the first available copy can be used to fulfill the reservation request then select Allow Reservation of Catalogue Items
  • If adding or changing the charges you wish to charge you patrons for reserving items via the StockItemitemForms > F7Loan > Charges screen , when they reserve an items
  • You then need to go into the Configuration area > select the Upload tab and > Reset memory for the new charges to be transferred to OpenOPAC

Allow renewals

  • You can either turn off the renewal option for you patrons if you prefer or allow patrons to renew their items by selecting this option Allow Renewal

  • If adding or changing the charges for renewals you wish to charge you patrons for renewing items via the StockItemitemForms > F7Loan > Charges screen
  • You then need to go into the Configuration area > select the Upload tab and > Reset memory for the new charges to be transferred to OpenOPAC

Allow change patron details

  • You can choose whether you would like your patron to be able to change their personal details and their PIN online when they are signed in OR you can turn this option off so it’s not possible for them to change personal details and their PIN

Allow requests

  • There are now 3 options for your patrons
    1. Turn off the request option altogether - select NONE
    2. Allow Both Purchase and Interlibrary loan requests - select ALL
    3.  Allow ONLY Inter library Loans requests – select Inter Library Loans

Hide copy information On Initial Search Results

You can either choose to see all the copy information, including the call number and location directly after you have conducted you first search and have this displayed instantly with your search results OR you can have the copy table collapsed, when the results are returned but can expand any of the copy tables, for items you may be interested in by selecting the text on the side Available: show/hide copies (2)

Unticked shows you the copy information with search results, ticked hides the copy table as in previous versions


Show suggestions

  • Show ideas of other items, patron maybe interested in
  • You can also select if you would like your patrons to be able to see Suggestions in both the desktop or mobile versions of OpenOPAC or just in the Desktop version.

Show reviews

  • By selecting this option, OpenOPAC connects to the Good Reads site and their reviews on items you have in your collection. Patrons can Sign up to Good Reads directly from OpenOPAC, so they can send in their own reviews. All reviews are moderated by Good Reads and will not be published if they do not pass their standards. If you ever see a review that you think is of a dubious nature, you can reports it to Good reads to be removed or re-considered as being inappropriate. - you can either offer this service to your patrons or de-select it to turn this option off if you prefer. You can also select if this is displayed on mobile devices too, or just on the desktop versions.

Image –library logo

  • Giving you advice to the size of image to be uploaded and file type required for best resolution and look

Currency Symbol - can now be set to reflect the correct currency displaying on the My Accounts


SMPT Options

  • You can also set up your email settings, if you are going to use allow patrons to email their search results or queries to themselves – after conducting a search on OPENOPAC
  • You can choose to specify if you want to use a SMTPClient using a Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) to encrypt the connection for your email or not. If you want an unencrypted connection (the ordinary one, most use) DO NOT tick the SMPT ENABLE SSL: box - Leave unticked


  • Here you can select an enrichment provider and what elements you want shown on the OPAC from the drop down menu
  • You can select to show you own images as you cover images, including your history images, if you do not have any paid subscriptions
  • If you have added images and other pdf files to your catalogue record they now will show under the bib record
  • Click here to maximise/minimise help text - to see suggested hints for the products you may want to add for enrichment content. You will be given the settings required to be set into the parameters and also what needs to be set into the Content to be shown boxes for each product requiring this.
  • You will need to know your own Dev key and client codes for your subscribed products, if you need to know your Syndetic plus code you can contact . If you require information about your LibraryThing For Library account, you will need to contact them to get your account details.

  • LibraryThingFree - you will need to apply for a Dev Key if you wish to use LibraryThingFree option to provide free for your Book cover images – See Appendix 1 for further details on how ot set this up.

  • If you want your LocalStoredImages [SCIS images] that you have added to your Catalogue records, as part of your cataloguing process to display. You do not need to add anything into the parameters box, just leave blank.

  • If you want them to appear as cover images then you will also need to select Use for covers
  • HINT: When you have local stored images and are using another provider for enrichment content for book covers - so that your patrons know there are images to be seen on these records [as they won’t both show on the cover images]. It may be advisable to show the 500 note on you result summary page, to advise that images are on the bib record
  • If not using another provider the first image you have attached can be used as a book cover image on both the result list & Bib record by selecting the use for cover option

If using SCIS book cover images [select: LocalStoredImages]

SCIS (Education Services Australia) now have Cover images available. The file contains images for items matched in the Order file (Note: Not all SCIS records have cover images).

The file can be saved, extracted and attached to the Catalogue data in Amlib as an Image attachment.

The image is not part of the Marc file so the image will need to be added individually to each catalogue record, after the Marc file has been downloaded.

Set up Image Path in Amlib in the Supervisor Module

  • It is very important to ensure the path is correct for storing images. It is advisable to enter a full, exact path for a centralised computer that can be used to store the images.
  • It needs to be available for all users – for example a shared drive on a Server.
  • The path set up will vary for sites and different Networks.
  • The source file for the images must be a from a Shared directory
  • If you have chosen LibraryThing Free : the book cover images will display if you have selected the Use for covers options in the configuration > enrichment tab.

Images attached to a catalogue record are displayed

  • Where an image/photograph/s are added to a catalogue records, the images now displays on the bib-record of OpenOPAC. If more than 1 image is attached they sit right next to each other and you can enlarge each by selecting it - each opens in a new browser tab/window - close the new browser tab when done and continue using OpenOPAC [you may to ensure you have Pop- up Blockers turned OFF]
  • If you have no other enrichment content, you can set these up to be used as your cover images, so one image on your record will display on the result list.

o You simply set up the Enrichment tab > select LocalStoredImages from the dropdown menu and select Use for Covers option.

  • Click on an image sand a new window opens with a larger image, close each before opening the next

  • To alert your patrons to images being attached, maybe local history images - we suggest that you allow Notes to be seen on the results view. Then add 'see attached images' in your catalogue records to a 504 Marc tag or one of your 500 tags - which you have selected in the Marc Fields tab in configuration. Then Patron will know to open the record to view the images.

Marc Fields

Here you can add extra or different marc tags to display from your records. You are told what the default ones are, but if you use other marc tags or wants different ones you can add them here. Including a specific subfield, for example you may prefer only the ‘a’ and ‘b’ subfield of the 245 tag to be displayed and not the full 245 tag [see below].

  • NOTE: This needs to be set in place before you do your first upload into Solr so your records display the way you want them to. This should be set AFTER OpenOPAC has been installed and BEFORE you do the initial load in the configuration area select & set the Marc Tags FIRST
  • You can now Display the 856 Tag (URL) for all your e-content on OpenOPAC, including the ‘z’ subfield if this is used in your catalogues. Which shows a description on the OPAC instead of the actual URL. Both Http and Https links work well. You will need to add this 856 tag to your Marc Fields in the configuration area, before you upload your catalogue records. OR re-load catalogue records if adding it after installing/using OpenOPAC.

  • You also have to ensure you have ticked Other Links for your detail view and if you want it to show also in the results list, then select Other Links in the Search result list too.

You will need to connect to Log in as Administrator > Select Configuration > Select the Marc Fields

Select > Log in tab

Username: Administrator

Password: 1234 [this is the default PIN, but we recommend the Librarian changes this PIN & set your secret security question after installation is complete]

Then set up your Marc tags first in the Configuration area > Marc Fields Tab. Otherwise you will have to re-load your records again after you make changes in here now.

  • Note: Some tags have an * next to them, this means that these are the ones being used for searching and returning results
  • Note: Some tags have ** next to them, that means these tags are being used for filtering purposes, so keep this in mind when selecting what tags you wish to be displayed and used in the OpenOPAC

A comma is placed between each marc tag to be used for any given field.

Search - Searching

  • Here you will see a list of preloaded common synonyms and a variety of spellings for Commonly used words

  • In this area you are also able to add other words that you would like to be searchable or searched together for example, you may decide to put in the following: computer game, Wii games, Play station, Nintendo [similar to ‘see also’ function but does not use your see also reference’s in Amlib or your Authorities – it’s completely separate] – Any of these will be returned if one of these words are typed into a search. For example you might like to add: frogs, amphibians, lizards, mini-beasts to improve the results returned for searches
  • There is also a list of Stopwords – which are commonly used words (such as "the", “a”, “and”) that a search engine has been programmed to ignore, both when indexing entries for searching and when retrieving them as the result of a search query. When building the index, most engines are programmed to remove certain words from any index entry. The list of words that are not to be added is called a stop list – these can be edited by the administrator but be aware how this may impact on future searches, and only change if absolutely necessary.
  • Search algorithm have been improved so that similar words are now returned in results ranked by relevance, so search term will be returned first followed by related terms. Exact title and author algorithms have also be incorporated to improve the search results retuned.
  • A 'Back' button is not required as once you have selected a title and gone into the bibliographic record, you can’t get back to  your results list by selecting the ’ house’ [home] button which has now been added. So it’s now possible to get back to your search result list in one click. If you want to get back to a previous list of search results, you can select the ‘RECENT ACTIVITY’ button from the top menu on the screen.

Custom Text

Home page text:

This is used by Librarians when they want to set up a home page with their own library image, information about their library, location, opening hours etc…

If you wish to use the NEW Front page option: This needs to be setup when logged in as the Administrator > Configuration > Custom text tab. This will appear under your Home page before a search is conducted.

  • You can include an image of your library or maybe a location map
  • Details about your library & you’re opening hours
  • Contact details
  • Other links to social media you may like your patrons to use

Hint: select View > Show blocks as this will show you where you can sit your text & images, as its HTML coded in the background – you can switch to HTML code by selecting Tools, if you are familiar with this instead.

Terms and Conditions for new patrons:

This is used by Librarians when they want a default text to be used when patrons join online for the terms and conditions they agree to when joining their library. The terms and conditions for the library membership can be typed into this space. Then Select > SAVE

The new Patron will need to select this agreeing to the terms & conditions.


You can now upload all you catalogues or just changed catalogues, or re-load your Masterdata or your suggestions from the configuration area from the Upload tab ( central front-end is no longer used for this purpose)

Upload all Catalogues: Used when installing OpenOPAC for the First time, or when you have had a major change in your records and want a fresh uploaded catalogue in OpenOPACS

Upload only changed Catalogues: When you have made catalogue changes and want the changes to be made/seen instantly in OpenOPACS, not waiting for the service to do this

Upload one Catalogue: Used only for the first time when installing OpenOPACS, to ensure services and everything is connected and working correctly.

Clear Search Index: Only used if you want to completely delete/clear everything in OpenOPAC & reload your records again by using the initial upload [Upload all Catalogues] again.

Upload Masterdata: If you make Changes to Locations, Form codes, Statuses’ etc. [adding new codes,] then you need to use this. This will bring in the new formats and setting in OpenOPACS – you will also need to restart your IIS service for changes to appear

Upload Suggestions If you have turned on’ Similar items’ option in Administrator after you set up OpenOPACS, then you can run this and it will bring across your similar items into the OpenOPACS.

Reset Memory This clears all cached values, effectively causing the values being reread from Amlib. Values like master data, circulation settings, parameters etc. Used when you have made changes to these type of setting within the Amlib client.


To Change the Administrators PIN you will be required to have set a secret question of your own choice and answer in this area - you will be asked this question when you select Change Pin Code on this screen. This secret question is setup during the installation process, but the question can be rest and changed at any time by the Administrator

You will be asked your Secret Question when you select Reset Administrator password link– after typing in the user ID of Administrator. You can reset the password back to the default once you answer your secret question correctly. Once logged back in as the Administrator you can change your Pin code again.