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MARC or XML export from Amlib

Learn how to export items in MARC or XML from Amlib.

The Export window allows Catalogue (Bibliographic) records and See and See Also References in to be exported in MARC or XML format.

Check your Marc Export Settings

Before using Marc Export for the first time, you must check that the appropriate mapping has been done for Marc Export. This only needs to be done once.

  1. In Amlib navigate to Main > Authorities > Authorities – the Authorities screen will open
  2. Select Application > MarcItemDefs - the Marc Import Definitions window will open
  3. Click on the Export Items tab


     Note: This table is used to set the parameters for the Export Items. To complete an export it is necessary to enter as least one MARC tag in this screen (the barcode field is mandatory), though it is preferable to add far more.

    Exactly which fields you choose to include in your Export can vary depending on your purpose for exporting and which system the records will be imported into. Below is one common example.

    These tags do DO NOT need to exist in Amlib, you are simply defining which tags the systems is going to output this information to.
  4. Enter the Marc Tags and Subfields that you wish to export against the Descriptions

     Note: It is not possible to Delete lines. If the option is not required then do not enter any details in the row

Export Items

Item Fields that can be included in the Export Items include:

MARC Item Definition



Stockitem Field


Accession Year

Date as stored in the Database Table for

Accessioned Field




Main Item Number

Item No


Call Number

Entire Call Number

Line 6

Q 362.404 TOW VP

Call Number Prefix

First part of Call


Line 6 (before first space)


Call Number Shelving

Número de control

Second part of Call


Line 6 (after first space, before

second space)


Call Number Suffix

Last part of Call


Line 6 (after second space)


Catalog Reference No

System generated

Catalogue Reference

Cat Ref No


Circ Status of Item

Allows current Circulation Status to be exported depending on the Item’s circulation status at the time of the export

Text inserted

in Tag


En préstamo


On Loan = N

En préstamo

On Loan = Y


Res > 0

Por encargo

On Order = Y

Not For Loan

For Loan = N

Floor Location

Floor Location



Form Code

Form Code



Form Description

Description of the Form

From Application, StockitemForm, Description

for the Form Code


Loan Type Code

Special Loan Type

Loan Type


Loan Type Description

Loan Type Description

From Application, StockLoan

Types Description for the Loan Type


Location Code

Location Code

Location Perm


Location Description

Location Description

Location Stock Location


Main Library


Coste actual

Coste actual



Process (Status)



Stats Code

Stats code

Sts Code


Stats Description

Description of the Stats Code

From Application, Stockitem, StockitemStats - Description

for the Stats code

Junior Fiction


Volume if populated (can automatically be entered from a MARC

Tag e.g. 440v Subfield



 Note: The MARC Tag does not need to be defined on the Authority > MarcTags screen to be used in the Export. Usually a 9xx Tag is chosen as this is reserved as these are the Local Defined Tags

The Marc record that gets created will have these Tags created along with the Bibliographic Tags to define the actual Items.

Export Orders and Import Orders are not used in current release.

To export Catalogue records in MARC format:

  1. Create a Saved File in the Authority, Catalogue or Stockitem module. If instructions are required for this, the Content Portal or contact Amlib Support
  2. Go to Main > Authorities > Authorities – the Authorities window will display
  3. Select Application > MarcExport – the Marc Export window will display
  4. Choose the Marc Export type: select one of the following options:




    Authority Export from

    Authority File

    See and See Also References

    Authority File

    Bibliographic Export from

    Catalogue File

    Catalogue records

    Catalogue File

    Bibliographic Export from

    Stockitem File

    Stockitem records

    Stockitem File

  5. Change any options specific to the selected export type:

    The Options vary according to the MARC Export type chosen.




    Authority Export

    Write each MARC record on a separate line in the Export file

    It is recommended that each MARC record is exported on a separate line

    Bibliographic Export from a Catalogue File

    Export all Stockitems attached to each Catalog: Stockitem data is exported for all Stockitems attached to the Catalogue. The Stockitem Fields that correspond to the MarcItemDefs - Export options are included (e.g.

    Barcode may export to Tag 910, Form to Tag 915, Stats Code to

    Tag 935, Location to Tag 920

    Tick the Value box if required

    Export the Cross References for

    the Authorities in each Catalogue

    Tick the Value box if


    Write each MARC record on a separate line in the Export file

    It is recommended that each MARC record is

    exported on a separate line

    Bibliographic Export from a Stockitem File

    Note: Will only display if Marc ItemDefs are defined

    Export the Cross References for

    the Authorities in each Catalogue

    Tick the Value box if


    Write each MARC record on a separate line in the Export file

    It is recommended that each MARC record is exported on a separate line

  6. To include the Amlib Catalogue Reference in an exported Catalogue record, enter a Tag No here (in the white box field adjacent the option). This tag is always added to the exported Catalogue record. This will result in another occurrence of this tag number on the exported catalogue record if a tag of this type already exists on the Database record.
  7. Select the Saved File to use in the Export: - click on the Saved File... button and select the file you have previously created in the Catalogue, Authority or Stockitem module by highlighting the file and clicking F9 Select
  8. Choose the File & Folder to save the records in the preferred format – select either MARC or XML (Cats Only)




    MARC format

    Standard Machine

    Readable Records

    Used for most standard applications

    XML format (Catalogues


    Extensible Markup


    Used mainly for Web Service applications

    MARC Format example:

    00515nmm a2200133 a


    6008200299-WL14097-070104b ||| j | eng d-00a10989- aVol 10 N 1- aVIEW ONLINEbVIEW ONLINE-10aOlympics-

    h[website].- aThis CBS website provides information about the history of the Winter Olympics as well as latest news from Turin, Italy, the site of the 2006 event.- 4aWinter sports-4 u Here to Displayyy subfield

    XML Format – part of record:

    <?xml version="1.0" standalone="yes" ?>


    <leader>00579nam a2200229</leader>

    <controlfield tag="001">16834392</controlfield>

    <datafield tag="019" ind1="1" ind2="">

    <subfield code="a">12097026</subfield>


    <datafield tag="019" ind1="" ind2="">

    <subfield code="a">95052774</subfield>


    <datafield tag="020" ind1="" ind2="">

    <subfield code="a">078940608X</subfield>


    <datafield tag="035" ind1="0" ind2="0">

    <subfield code="a">2833</subfield>


    <datafield tag="082" ind1="0" ind2="4">

    <subfield code="a">796.48</subfield>


    <datafield tag="099" ind1="" ind2="">

    <subfield code="f">Q</subfield>

    <subfield code="a">796.48</subfield>

    <subfield code="b">CHR</subfield>


    <datafield tag="245" ind1="0" ind2="0">

    <subfield code="a">Chronicle of the Olympics.</subfield>

  9. Click on the Save As... button and enter a file name for the export file

  10. Click on the Save button
  11. Press the F3 Start to export the MARC or XML records The progress of the export will be displayed.

A summary of the export result will also display.