Continuing resources (cnr)
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View the values and other criteria indexed for the Continuing resources (cnr) Material Type.
- Integrating resource
Code: int or /int
Notes: N/A
Indexed values Record type and bib level Leader/06 Leader/07 006 007 008 Other criteria [any] i s and w 006/04=d, l, or w a, t s, b 008/21=d, l, or w
- Newspaper
Code: new
Notes: N/A
Indexed values Record type and bib level Leader/06 Leader/07 006 007 008 Other criteria a, t s, b 008/21=n s and 006/04=n
- Periodical
Code: per
Notes: N/A
Indexed values Record type and bib level Leader/06 Leader/07 006 007 008 Other criteria a, t s, b 008/21=p s and 006/04=p
- Serial
Code: ser or /ser
Notes: N/A
Indexed values Record type and bib level Leader/06 Leader/07 006 007 008 Other criteria [any] s, b Can use as slash qualifier s and 006/04 is NOT d, l, or w
- Serie
Code: mse
Notes: N/A
Indexed values Record type and bib level Leader/06 Leader/07 006 007 008 Other criteria a, t s, b 008/21=m s and 006/04=m
- Updating database
Code: upd
Notes: Also search by continuing update or integrating resource
Indexed values Record type and bib level Leader/06 Leader/07 006 007 008 Other criteria a, t s, b 008/21=d s and 006/04=d
- Updating loose-leaf
Code: upl
Notes: Also search by continuing update or integrating resource
Indexed values Record type and bib level Leader/06 Leader/07 006 007 008 Other criteria a, t s, b 008/21=l s and 006/04=l t and 007/01=d
- Updating website
Code: upw
Notes: Also search by continuing update or integrating resource
Indexed values Record type and bib level Leader/06 Leader/07 006 007 008 Other criteria a, t s, b 008/21=w s and 006/04=w