Books, textual materials (bks)
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The translation on this website may be generated by machine translation. The quality and accuracy of machine translation can vary significantly from one text to another. Read the page in original English here.
View the values and other criteria indexed for the Books, textual materials (bks) Material Type.
- Article
Code: acp
Notes: N/A
Indexed values Record type and bib level Leader/06 Leader/07 006 007 008 Other criteria a, t a
- Reserve
Code: bks
Notes: N/A
Indexed values Record type and bib level Leader/06 Leader/07 006 007 008 Other criteria a, t m, c, d
- Large print
Code: lpt
Notes: N/A
Indexed values Record type and bib level Leader/06 Leader/07 006 007 008 Other criteria a, c, d, p, t 008/23=d a, c, d, p, t, and 006/06=d t and 007/01=b e, f, k 008/29=d e, f, k, and 006/12=d