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OCLC Support

How do we remove an incorrect version link displaying in Discovery under the Check Availability section ?

  • You can see there is more than one link to your record in Discovery [for example for a view-eBook] and they are not all correct.
  • One or more of the links are for completely different versions from the record it is displaying on.
Applies to
  • WorldCat Discovery
  • WorldShare Collection Manager
  • WorldCat knowledge base 

Sometimes more links appear next to resources, some may not necessarily be an exact match. This is due to the grouped OCNs and/or grouped ISBN’s set into a collection against any title.  Which occur when records are merged in WorldCat.
The Override OCN is the closest match and appears against that record as its primary link and will be the one creating the View eBook link button, on the top of the record.

Other secondary links may also appear on this record, which may not always be an exact match for your record. For example, a different version of the title that you also hold.
These secondary links can come in from the Grouped OCNS that have been added to the same title/collection.

  1. Locate the link you do not want to display in Discovery and look up what collection it is coming from in Collection Manager.
  2. To be sure you are removing the correct link, you can always look up this title in Collection Manager.
  3. Open each Title in these collections you hold and check the publishing dates of each.
  4. Locate the Collection in Collection Manager > Search for this Title in question > Select the Title > You will see both the Override OCN and the Grouped OCNS below.
  5. Locate the OCN for the record/ version you do not want this link to appear on, in the Grouped OCNs.
  6. Simply select the Red minus button next to the OCN record you wish to remove, to stop this link appearing on that record in Discovery.
  7. Sometimes you will also see numerous ISBNs in the grouped ISBN section and the ISBN for the record - you need to also check these are the correct ISBNs for this record.
  8. Incorrect ISBNs in the Collection Manager record for a title can make a link persist in Discovery too.
  9. If you locate any incorrect ISBNs, select the Red minus button next to the ISBN you wish to remove, to break the link it is creating.
  10. You should always check the Bib record in WorldCat / Record Manager too, to ensure that only correct ISBNs are listed there - as this too will cause a persistent link to remain on your Discovery record.
Additional information

There is more information on Grouped OCNs and cooperative management.

If the above does not resolve the issue and the link is of the same title but different author this could be a mismatched record

If you cannot locate the OCLC Number to remove, report the record to OCLC Support with as much information as you can, including:

  • OCLC number of the record
  • Screenshots, including of the page that resolves when clicking the link
  • Steps that you have taken to attempt to resolve this issue
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