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Values for the dbname or db component and for Group Catalog

Find the values for the dbname or db component and for the dbname or db component used in linking users directly to a Group Union Catalog for FirstSearch.


This document contains the values for the dbname or db component and for the dbname or db component used in linking users directly to a Group Union Catalog through IP address recognition access. You cannot access a database in FirstSearch for a Group Union Catalog  in FirstSearch if it is not included in your account or if access to it is blocked in the administrative module for your account.

Example. The following table contains an IP address recognition example that uses the dbname component.

Enlace WorldCat
URL used in the link
Descripción Sign in FirstSearch, entering at the default search screen for the WorldCat database. When exiting FirstSearch, return to the page from which you entered.

More information. More information about IP address recognition access is available at IP Address Recognition. There you will also find information about using IP address recognition to link users directly to a particular FirstSearch database screen or Electronic Collections Online journal screen.

Values for the dbname or db component

Table of values. The following table contains the values for the dbname or db component. You can use either the component value or the alternative component value, if there is one. Lowercase and/or uppercase letters may be used in this component.

Database Component value in FirstSearch Alternative component value in FirstSearch
ArticleFirst   ArticleFirst   Article1st  
Clase and Periódica ClasePeriodica n/a
Electronic Books   Ebooks   n/a
Electronic Collections Online   ECO   n/a
ERIC   ERIC   n/a
GPO Monthly catalog   GPO   n/a
OAIster OAIster n/a
PapersFirst   PapersFirst   n/a
ProceedingsFirst   Proceedings   n/a
World Almanacs   WorldAlmanac   n/a
WorldCat (the OCLC Online Union Catalog)   WorldCat   n/a
WorldCat Dissertations and Theses WorldCatDissertations n/a

Values for Group Catalog dbname or db components

Table of values. The following table contains the values for the dbname or db component. Lowercase and/or uppercase letters may be used in this component.

Database   Component value in FirstSearch  
Alaska Library Network Catalog ALNcat
American Theological Library Association Group Catalog ATLAGroupCatalog
Air Force Library and Information System Catalog AFLISCat
California Libraries Catalog CaliforniaCatalog
Catálogo de Bibliotecas Mexicanas/Catalog of Mexican libs BIBMEX
DHS Libraries Catalog DHS_Catalog
Florida Group Catalog FloridaCat
Georgia Public Libraries Catalog GeorgiaCat
Idaho Statewide Catalog LiLI_Unlimited
Illinois Group Catalog IllinoisCatalog
INCat — Indiana Library Catalog Indiana_Catalog
Long Island Library Catalog LILCat
MERLN Catalog (Military Education & Research Library Network) MERLN_Catalog
Missouri Group Catalog MoGroupCatalog
Montana Library Network Catalog MLNCatalog
Montgomery Academic Libraries Consortium MALCat
North Carolina Community Colleges Library Holdings NCCCLibraryHoldings
SEPCHE Virtual Library Catalog (SouthEastern Pennsylvania Consortium for Higher Education) SEPCHE-cat
STARS (The Alabama Group Catalog) STARS
TransCat Plus (Canada) TransCat_Plus
Transportation Libraries Catalog TLCat
Wisconsin Libraries' Catalog BadgerCat