
Learn how to configure MuseumKey and LendingKey settings as well as how to add information about your library.


You can configure the following settings in the Staff Console. To configure settings, from the Staff Console:

  1. Click Library.
  2. Click the area you would like to configure.
    • Settings: MuseumKey
    • Settings: LendingKey
    • Information
    • Dates
  3. Configure the settings.
  4. Click Update to save your changes.
  5. (Optional) Repeat steps 2-4 for additional settings areas.

Settings: MuseumKey

Campo Descripción
Name Name of library or consortium.
Days Ahead The maximum number of days ahead to allow users to browse the calendar and place reservations. (i.e. If today is December 15, users will be able to see dates through March 13).
Extend Due Date if Closed Automatically extend a reservation due date if it falls on a day the library is closed. (i.e. If a 3-day reservation for December 23 and the library is closed on December 25, the reservation due date will automatically adjust to December 26. If a 3-day reservation for December 22 and the library is closed on December 24 & 25, the reservation due date will automatically adjust to December 26.
Display Style Choose from two different interfaces:
  • Legacy - The original button style hallmark of MuseumKey
  • Minimalist - A new format featuring elegant white rows
All themes are responsive and formatted to work on mobile devices.
Default calendar view Choose the default listing of available dates to either be displayed as a list or a monthly calendar.
Starting date buffer

Add a buffer of days to the first date available on the calendars to create a reservation.

For example, if this field is set to 2 and today is June 1st, then June 3rd would be the first date available on the calendar.

Allowed Per Museum Total number of reservations a user can have for a specific museum. This includes past reservations which have not yet expired in accordance with the value added in the Days Behind field.
Allowed Overall Total number of total reservations a user can have. This includes past reservations which have not yet expired in accordance with the value added in the Days Behind field.
Allowed to Make Within a Day Total number of total reservations a user can place within a current day.
Allowed for a Specific Date Total number of reservations a user can place for a specific date. (i.e. If this value is set 1, a user would only able to place only one reservation for December 15, regardless of the museum.)
Single Reservation within Consecutive Days Only allow a single reservation within a span of consecutive days (i.e. If value is set to 3, a user who already has a reservation for December 15 would be unable to place another reservation for December 13, 14, 16, and 17.)
No. of Days to Block after Due Date Set number of days to block after a reservation due date to create a buffer. (i.e. If a reservation due date is December 15, the pass will usually be available on December 16. If this value is set to 1, then December 16 will also display as unavailable on the calendar. This will not affect the reservation loan period or actual due dates.)
Default Loan Period Default loan period applied to all museum passes added. This value can be changed per museum/thing. (i.e. If this value is set to 3, a reservation made on December 15 will be due back on December 17. December 13 and 14 will also be made unavailable to avoid a reservation conflict.)
Landing Screen Text Add formatted content to display on the main landing page.
Confirmation Screen Text Add formatted content to display on the reservation confirmation page.
Help Screen Text Add formatted content to display on the public help screen.
Email Text Add formatted content to the confirmations and reminder emails.
How many days before for reminder email Number of days before a reservation pickup date that a reminder email will be sent.
Email Copy of Reservation to Staff A copy of all reservations and cancellations will be sent to the library's email address as defined in the Information section.
Hex color for buttons Add a custom color for all buttons on the public interface. Buttons on the public interface are blue by default for MuseumKey and red by default for LendingKey.

Settings: LendingKey

Campo Descripción
Name Name of library or consortium.
Days Ahead The maximum number of days ahead to allow users to browse the calendar and place reservations. (i.e. If today is December 15, users will be able to see dates through March 13).
Extend Due Date if Closed Automatically extend a reservation due date if it falls on a day the library is closed. (i.e. If a 3-day reservation for December 23 and the library is closed on December 25, the reservation due date will automatically adjust to December 26. If a 3-day reservation for December 22 and the library is closed on December 24 & 25, the reservation due date will automatically adjust to December 26.
Display Style Choose from two different interfaces:
  • Legacy - The original button style hallmark of MuseumKey
  • Minimalist - A new format featuring elegant white rows
All themes are responsive and formatted to work on mobile devices.
Default calendar view Choose the default listing of available dates to either be displayed as a list or a monthly calendar.
Starting date buffer

Add a buffer of days to the first date available on the calendars to create a reservation.

For example, if this field is set to 2 and today is June 1st, then June 3rd would be the first date available on the calendar.

Allowed Per Thing Total number of reservations a user can have for a specific thing. This includes past reservations which have not yet expired in accordance with the value added in the Days Behind field.
Allowed Overall Total number of total reservations a user can have. This includes past reservations which have not yet expired in accordance with the value added in the Days Behind field.
Allowed to Make Within a Day Total number of total reservations a user can place within a current day.
Allowed for a Specific Date Total number of reservations a user can place for a specific date. (i.e. If this value is set 1, a user would only able to place only one reservation for December 15, regardless of the museum.)
Single Reservation within Consecutive Days Only allow a single reservation within a span of consecutive days (i.e. If value is set to 3, a user who already has a reservation for December 15 would be unable to place another reservation for December 13, 14, 16, and 17.)
No. of Days to Block after Due Date Set number of days to block after a reservation due date to create a buffer. (i.e. If a reservation due date is December 15, the pass will usually be available on December 16. If this value is set to 1, then December 16 will also display as unavailable on the calendar. This will not affect the reservation loan period or actual due dates.)
Default Loan Period Default loan period applied to all museum passes added. This value can be changed per museum/thing. (i.e. If this value is set to 3, a reservation made on December 15 will be due back on December 17. December 13 and 14 will also be made unavailable to avoid a reservation conflict.)
Landing Screen Text Add formatted content to display on the main landing page.
Confirmation Screen Text Add formatted content to display on the reservation confirmation page.
Help Screen Text Add formatted content to display on the public help screen.
Email Text Add formatted content to the confirmations and reminder emails.
How many days before for reminder email Number of days before a reservation pickup date that a reminder email will be sent.
Email Copy of Reservation to Staff A copy of all reservations and cancellations will be sent to the library's email address as defined in the Information section.
Hex color for buttons Add a custom color for all buttons on the public interface. Buttons on the public interface are blue by default for MuseumKey and red by default for LendingKey.


Campo Descripción
Address The street address of the library or consortium's primary mailing address.
City The city of the library or consortium's primary mailing address.
State The state of the library or consortium's primary mailing address.
Zip The zip code of the library or consortium's primary mailing address.
Country The country of the library or consortium's primary mailing address.
Website The primary website for the library or consortium.
Phone The primary telephone number for the library or consortium.
Email The primary email address for the library or consortium.

 Note: The email added here will be the reply-to address on all confirmation and reminder emails sent to patrons.


 Note: Click Set Dates to save your changes.

Campo Descripción
Abrir Circulating museum pass or thing available for pickup.
Cerrado Circulating museum pass or thing not available for pickup or due date (if Extend Due Date if Closed field set to Yes).
Not Due Circulating museum pass or thing available for pickup but not due date (if Extend Due Date if Closed field set to Yes).
Set Globally In an instance with multiple branches, date has already been set globally and overrides all per branch dates.