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OCLC Support

Search filter options

Discover how to manage the search filters available for searching your library catalog in the CapiraMobile Staff Dashboard.

Search filters use a parameter value that is sent to your ILS to limit results accordingly. For configuration information that is specific to a variety of common ILS, see Using your ILS with CapiraMobile

To add a new filter:

  1. From the left navigation, under the Elements menu, select Options > Search Filters.
  2. Use the tabs to choose a search filter type. 

     Note: Depending on your ILS, your library may not use all of these filter types.

    • Material/Format
    • Índice
    • Library
    • Sort
    • Audiencia
    • Collection
  3. Click Add New.
  4. Enter the following information for the filter:
    • Material/Format Name - The value that patrons will see in the app, e.g. "Books" or "DVD".
    • ILS Parameter Value - The value that will be sent to your ILS to limit results accordingly. 
  5. Click Save.
  6. (Optional) To remove a filter, click Delete in the action column.