Collection Manager: What it is and how libraries use it 1:43 pm - 3:04 pm Thursday, September 12, 2024 | (UTC-04:00) Eastern Time (US & Canada) Alexis Fintel Monica Song Soojeong Herring she/her tbeane Ageo Garcia Sharon Melissa Trevor Stratton Bryan Tyson Teeaye Nettles Annie Call-in User_2 Renu Sharma Eun Young Yoo-Lee A Alvarez tommy Rachel Jason Chodur Laura Tonniges MIchelle Janikowski Danielle Burns Kelly Elizabeth Outler Donna Schmid Suzie Shatarevyan Colleen Gaddis Elizabeth Heffington Sara Mindy Tran WEBVTT 1 Mindy Tran 00:07:01.300 --> 00:07:11.060 We'd like to welcome everyone to world Chair collection manager, what it is and how libraries use it. My name is Mindy Tran and I will be leading the session today. 2 Mindy Tran 00:07:13.620 --> 00:07:17.460 This class is really meant to just introduce you to. 3 Mindy Tran 00:07:19.140 --> 00:07:33.900 To Share collection Manager, including the types of collections to help libraries manage the metadata for their libraries electronic and print resources. After this training, we hope that you will be. 4 Mindy Tran 00:07:35.300 --> 00:07:52.420 Able to have a foundational knowledge of the types of collection that's available, and we'll be able to determine how to use the collections to manage your own metadata for your libraries electronic and put materials. 5 Mindy Tran 00:08:01.020 --> 00:08:19.660 Our agenda for today, as I think I've already summarized is a very quick introduction to what is world chair collection Manager, going in and looking at the collection Manager interface, and we will be spending the majority of our time talking about the types of collections that's available. 6 Mindy Tran 00:08:20.700 --> 00:08:25.140 You may or may not use all of the collections that we will be touching on today. 7 Mindy Tran 00:08:27.180 --> 00:08:46.860 We'll also be talking about mark records and worldcat holdings. The other part of collection manager besides the different types of collections that are available is the ability for collection manager to deliver mark records as well as maintain your libraries holdings in worldcap holdings for the. 8 Mindy Tran 00:08:47.620 --> 00:09:00.700 Type of collections that you're using. And of course, making sure that you are aware of the help and support resources that are available as you continue to work with World Share Collection manager. 9 Mindy Tran 00:09:03.660 --> 00:09:03.940 That's. 10 Mindy Tran 00:09:14.060 --> 00:09:17.900 Sorry here when I seem to have lost track of my mouse. 11 Mindy Tran 00:09:21.300 --> 00:09:29.500 With world share collection Manager, libraries can manage the metadata for their electronic and fit materials at the collection level. 12 Mindy Tran 00:09:31.420 --> 00:09:50.660 Libraries can also output world records for their electronic equipment materials. Customize the type of edits to the records before they are delivered. Select the delivery frequency that you want to receive records. Select whether to receive. 13 Mindy Tran 00:09:51.460 --> 00:09:59.100 Updated world cap records if it changes in worldcap and it meets your specific criteria that you've set up. 14 Mindy Tran 00:10:00.620 --> 00:10:07.460 Libraries also have the option to maintain holdings in world cap for their electronic and print materials. 15 Mindy Tran 00:10:13.340 --> 00:10:28.580 If you don't yet have access to collection manager, you can visit this site and request access to it. There's information there of what's needed in order to request access to collection manager. 16 Mindy Tran 00:10:34.500 --> 00:10:53.020 Since libraries use collection manager to manage the metadata for their electronic and print materials at the collection level, each collection type is designed to help in different ways. For example, libraries want to assist users to better find their resources. 17 Mindy Tran 00:10:53.740 --> 00:10:59.300 May use data sync collections to ensure that they're holdings are represented in worldcap. 18 Mindy Tran 00:11:02.860 --> 00:11:13.300 Libraries that want to improve the quality of their local catalogs use query collections to get Worldcap records based on a set of criteria. 19 Mindy Tran 00:11:17.380 --> 00:11:34.460 Libraries want to get new print materials into circulation faster, use cataloging partner collections to get Worldcap records purchased from various material vendors. This is for materials that you've purchased from a variety of. 20 Mindy Tran 00:11:36.420 --> 00:11:37.420 Of material vendors. 21 Mindy Tran 00:11:41.340 --> 00:11:49.100 Libraries want to manage their electronic resources, they'll use Worldcap knowledge based collections to do that. 22 Mindy Tran 00:11:52.420 --> 00:12:02.660 Libraries that need to have staff time to perform other tasks use worldcap updates to maintain the metadata for the electronic and print materials. 23 Mindy Tran 00:12:08.180 --> 00:12:20.700 So this is a typical workflow for working with or using growth share collection manager. Your library sets up for all of the collections that you use. 24 Mindy Tran 00:12:22.620 --> 00:12:35.980 The OCLC symbol that you want collection manager to associate those collections with, you would enable mark records for all your collections if you choose to receive rule cap records. 25 Mindy Tran 00:12:37.860 --> 00:12:53.900 You would want to enable worldcat holdings for all of your libraries for all of the collections that you use in collection manager if you want collection manager to maintain your library's holdings for records in the Worldcap database. 26 Mindy Tran 00:12:56.260 --> 00:13:09.700 And then of course you wanna sign up to receive reports so that you know what mark records you're getting. You know, what holdings have been added to records in particular collections. 27 Mindy Tran 00:13:11.260 --> 00:13:11.580 And then. 28 Mindy Tran 00:13:13.700 --> 00:13:14.780 Your library as well as. 29 Mindy Tran 00:13:16.260 --> 00:13:36.380 And your provider can maintain as needed for each collection, things like you can enable mark records for each collection. So you may enable it for everything, for all collections, but on a collection by collection basis, you have to tell collection manager if you want to get marked records for those. 30 Mindy Tran 00:13:37.500 --> 00:13:50.180 Collections so that in a way you don't have to get collections. You don't have to get mark records for a specific, collection. You can disable WorldCat holdings for. 31 Mindy Tran 00:13:51.460 --> 00:14:11.500 A specific collection. So when you enable worldcat holdings for all collections, on a collection by a collection basis, you can say, for this collection I do not want my holdings to be represented or appear in world Cap, ok? There may, it's rare, but there maybe. 32 Mindy Tran 00:14:11.980 --> 00:14:12.780 Instances where that is. 33 Mindy Tran 00:14:16.540 --> 00:14:29.020 Where that is needed because that collection maybe there's proprietary information that you don't want to appear that information to appear to the public out in Worldcat, ok? 34 Mindy Tran 00:14:31.820 --> 00:14:38.980 And then as an automated process collection manager will maintain holdings and worldcat if you've specified. 35 Mindy Tran 00:14:41.140 --> 00:15:01.220 That you want that to be done. If you've specified that you want mark records, it will deliver worldcat records to you for you to go in and download and import into your local catalog or send elsewhere. And then provide reports for what process it has perf. 36 Mindy Tran 00:15:08.060 --> 00:15:08.900 Questions about that? 37 Mindy Tran 00:15:12.540 --> 00:15:31.180 I'm gonna switch my screen now and show you collection manager because in order to create and use collections to manage the metadata for your libraries electronic and print materials, you'll need to know how to access collection manager, how to open collection man. 38 Mindy Tran 00:15:31.660 --> 00:15:41.740 And so to do this, I'm switching my screen over to Firefox, which is what I'm using, for demonstration today. 39 Mindy Tran 00:15:44.260 --> 00:15:57.820 I'm also going in and logging in. The first thing that you'll need to do is you will have the URL specific to your libraries Worldchair platform. 40 Mindy Tran 00:15:59.740 --> 00:16:02.100 You'll log in to your libraries. 41 Mindy Tran 00:16:04.660 --> 00:16:08.580 Using your account to log in to World Share. 42 Mindy Tran 00:16:11.060 --> 00:16:11.860 And once you do. 43 Mindy Tran 00:16:14.940 --> 00:16:33.620 To access collection Manager, you'll click on the metadata link on the top left of your world share platform. Now, you'll notice that there are a number of links that's available here, and that is based on your libraries subscription to World Share as well as. 44 Mindy Tran 00:16:36.220 --> 00:16:55.420 Your login, what you have access to. So because if you are, let's say your role includes catalogging as well as maintaining electronic resources, you will have access to the metadata link. If your role doesn't at the library doesn't include working with inter. 45 Mindy Tran 00:16:55.780 --> 00:17:16.260 Library load, you will not see an inter library loan option. If your role at the library does not include working in circulations, you may not see the circulation link or if your library does not subscribe to world chairman management services, you may not see, you will not see acquisitions or circulation. 46 Mindy Tran 00:17:16.420 --> 00:17:18.660 As part of your login. Okay. 47 Mindy Tran 00:17:21.380 --> 00:17:22.459 So I'm gonna click on metadata. 48 Mindy Tran 00:17:24.020 --> 00:17:36.180 And down the left hand side, you'll see some panels. Now, if your library or if you're login does not have record manager, you won't see that. You'll expand collection manager. 49 Mindy Tran 00:17:38.140 --> 00:17:44.300 And some of the tasks that you can do within collection manager include searching for. 50 Mindy Tran 00:17:45.900 --> 00:18:00.580 What you want by collection, by title within the collection, by the provider of the collection, the activity history or specifically for data seat collections. We'll talk a little bit about that later. The scope might. 51 Mindy Tran 00:18:02.380 --> 00:18:03.500 My focusing on. 52 Mindy Tran 00:18:04.940 --> 00:18:24.140 Filtering it to just only those collections that at your library have selected or you're looking for all collections. You can leave the search term blank or search for a specific search term like I will do for say Epsco for instance. And search for that query. 53 Mindy Tran 00:18:26.420 --> 00:18:33.740 Now, here, I can, I'm searching for all collections regardless, you know, for that term eps go to appear. 54 Mindy Tran 00:18:34.980 --> 00:18:55.380 In the collection and it shows me that I have there's a hundred of them. I can, if this is too much, there's an option to filter and you can filter by collection type, you can filter by collections that have been shared, you can filter by collections that have been discontinued, so on and so forth. Now, the fi. 55 Mindy Tran 00:18:56.140 --> 00:18:59.940 Dynamic depending on the scope that you use. 56 Mindy Tran 00:19:02.100 --> 00:19:21.100 If you search for let's say the scope is selected, then your filter will be slightly different than if your scope were, was for all collections, ok? So something to keep in mind that the filter by is dynamic depending on the scope that is. 57 Mindy Tran 00:19:22.380 --> 00:19:25.500 Used to search collection manager. 58 Mindy Tran 00:19:28.340 --> 00:19:42.940 Other parts of collection manager that you will see is create a collection, and this is where you will go in to create new collections and we will come back and revisit this as we talk about the different types of collections that are available. 59 Mindy Tran 00:19:45.660 --> 00:20:05.020 Institution settings, this is where you customize collection manager. It affects all of your collections, but some settings only pertain to specific collection types. For example, I mentioned OCLC symbol. This is where it takes it from the registry ID, but you still. 60 Mindy Tran 00:20:05.220 --> 00:20:12.460 Want to confirm that this is the correct OCLC symbol for your library to use in collection manager. 61 Mindy Tran 00:20:16.100 --> 00:20:34.180 Worldcat holdings is the other one, and we'll come back and look at it later on in the session. Mark records reports, provider settings. This is where if you're for collection, for knowledge based collections, you may want to add or remove providers because there maybe also. 62 Mindy Tran 00:20:34.980 --> 00:20:35.940 Specific settings. 63 Mindy Tran 00:20:37.300 --> 00:20:57.540 That are provider needs that you to put in place in order for, titles that to resolve to full text to that provider. Okay, the other place I want to show you is under my files, this is where you download your files. 64 Mindy Tran 00:20:57.740 --> 00:21:17.820 Of records when they are ready if you've set up to receive mark records. And I'll just go quickly click on downloads here so that you can see. This is where you can see files that are available for you to download files that are updated files of new records or files of records that have been deleted so that you know. 65 Mindy Tran 00:21:18.260 --> 00:21:21.900 And remove those from your local catalog, if you need to. 66 Mindy Tran 00:21:23.380 --> 00:21:25.140 And so. Okay. 67 Mindy Tran 00:21:31.220 --> 00:21:49.860 Now, the other part of this since I'm already in world share collection manager, to help you find more information on the collection type that you want or you can use the help feature here to do that. You don't have to remember, the URL for our online help site. 68 Mindy Tran 00:21:50.580 --> 00:21:54.580 If you're in World Share already, you can just go to need help. 69 Mindy Tran 00:21:56.220 --> 00:22:15.420 Click on general help, and it will open up in a separate tab or a separate browser window depending on how your browser is set up. Click on metadata services, that's where collection manager is under. And if you click on world share collection manager, when you get here. 70 Mindy Tran 00:22:16.540 --> 00:22:26.540 You can see that this is the online help for World Share collection manager, including if you scroll down fun additional training. 71 Mindy Tran 00:22:28.020 --> 00:22:35.660 Content for collection manager. But one of the things I want to, bring your attention to is say. 72 Mindy Tran 00:22:38.260 --> 00:22:58.380 Choose your collection manager workflow. Maybe you are unsure of what you're looking for within collection manager. It brings together if you're looking for help for all of knowledge base or query collection. But what if you may not know what collection manager you want? For instance, you might want to. 73 Mindy Tran 00:22:59.020 --> 00:22:59.580 Update your. 74 Mindy Tran 00:23:01.660 --> 00:23:04.180 Holding said world Cat or you want to. 75 Mindy Tran 00:23:07.660 --> 00:23:25.180 Or you may need to, update your current holdings, for instance, then you can go ahead and see that here and know that, oh, data collection is what you need to look for, for instance. So you can click on that and it will bring. 76 Mindy Tran 00:23:26.580 --> 00:23:29.420 All the help you to the date Worldcap data sync. 77 Mindy Tran 00:23:30.820 --> 00:23:31.460 Online help. 78 Mindy Tran 00:23:36.700 --> 00:23:37.220 Questions about that? 79 Mindy Tran 00:23:46.340 --> 00:23:56.500 So let's talk about the type of collections and how each can be used to manage your electronic and or print materials. 80 Mindy Tran 00:24:02.140 --> 00:24:18.420 Worldcap data sync collections allow libraries to maintain their holdings in world cap, including local bipographic data and local holdings records. It also allows libraries to match their brief records from their. 81 Mindy Tran 00:24:21.260 --> 00:24:34.580 Current cap records. Now, how libraries use data sync collection varies? It could be the library is new to OCLC and needs to add all of its holdings to Worldcap. 82 Mindy Tran 00:24:36.060 --> 00:24:50.540 It could be that your library's holdings in Worldcap are out of date, for example holdings information haven't been consistently added or deleted when your library were reading materials from your collection. 83 Mindy Tran 00:24:52.060 --> 00:25:01.700 Maybe your library need to, needs to add holdings to Worldcat for biphographic records that your library obtained from other sources. 84 Mindy Tran 00:25:04.180 --> 00:25:23.460 Maybe you need to efficiently delete holdings on a regular basis as part of an ongoing weeding project for your library. Maybe your library needs to update its holdings local holdings records in worldcab. Or maybe. 85 Mindy Tran 00:25:24.580 --> 00:25:30.180 Your library or group needs to register its share print retention commitments. 86 Mindy Tran 00:25:33.660 --> 00:25:37.380 For whatever reason or maybe reasons that I haven't articulated here. 87 Mindy Tran 00:25:39.300 --> 00:25:46.540 How this works is that your library creates a data sync collection in collection manager. 88 Mindy Tran 00:25:48.420 --> 00:25:55.300 Gather data from your library's local system, and submits the data to OCLC. 89 Mindy Tran 00:25:59.460 --> 00:26:04.780 OCLC approves the collection and process the data. 90 Mindy Tran 00:26:06.300 --> 00:26:07.500 For ongoing projects. 91 Mindy Tran 00:26:10.900 --> 00:26:17.420 Subsequent data submission will be just be processed automatically because the collection half already been approved. 92 Mindy Tran 00:26:20.100 --> 00:26:22.860 Once data is processed, you. 93 Mindy Tran 00:26:24.100 --> 00:26:43.700 And OCLC review the file outputs and the reports that accompanies those files. And then as needed repeat the process by submitting new data to OCLC especially if it is an ongoing project like ongoing reading of projects or ongoing holdings. 94 Mindy Tran 00:26:44.700 --> 00:26:45.820 Adding to Worldcap. 95 Mindy Tran 00:26:52.900 --> 00:27:02.900 In collection manager, I'm gonna switch over here. In collection manager, what you'll want to do is under collection manager, you want to create a collection. 96 Mindy Tran 00:27:05.220 --> 00:27:10.740 You want to select collection type from the dropdown to be data sync collection. 97 Mindy Tran 00:27:12.180 --> 00:27:13.420 And data sync collection. 98 Mindy Tran 00:27:16.100 --> 00:27:33.340 I'm, has, are determined by the data to be sent such as, is it a biblic is it bibligraphic? Is it local holdings records only? Or is it biblographic plus local holdings records? And then there are two. 99 Mindy Tran 00:27:35.620 --> 00:27:38.860 Projects to delete holdings in Worldcap or to delete. 100 Mindy Tran 00:27:40.620 --> 00:27:51.860 That's to delete worldcap holdings at the institution level, meaning that to remove your OCLC symbol from a worldcap bipographic record or to delete local holdings records. 101 Mindy Tran 00:27:57.980 --> 00:28:03.500 So if I select to say, bit of the graphic and click create. 102 Mindy Tran 00:28:07.220 --> 00:28:22.060 You will see that there are some accordions that default one that opens is under properties where you fill in some of the required fields are in asterisks, ok? And other graphic record information. 103 Mindy Tran 00:28:23.940 --> 00:28:26.140 Local biblographic data if you're including. 104 Mindy Tran 00:28:29.100 --> 00:28:29.740 Including local. 105 Mindy Tran 00:28:32.300 --> 00:28:35.340 Data in with local information in there. 106 Mindy Tran 00:28:36.740 --> 00:28:50.220 If you want mark record output, the contact information for the person that CLC needs to contact if there are questions about this particular collection. Now, there are. 107 Mindy Tran 00:28:52.020 --> 00:29:03.340 Training content available to walk you through to set up property to fill out each of these accordions, and you can find that in the collection Manager. 108 Mindy Tran 00:29:08.900 --> 00:29:20.140 Once you are done, you can always, you can save as you're working with filling out this collection profile. You can save it along the way, so that you can go back and. 109 Mindy Tran 00:29:21.420 --> 00:29:38.660 Continue with it or continue to work on it. When you are done with it, you can then submit the collection to OCLC if you've already have, and then you've extracted the data and uploaded, you can submit the collection to OCLC for review and approval. 110 Mindy Tran 00:29:43.220 --> 00:29:43.780 Questions about that? 111 Mindy Tran 00:29:54.740 --> 00:29:55.980 Worldcap query collection. 112 Mindy Tran 00:29:57.380 --> 00:30:17.580 Libraries use worldcap query collections to get sets of Worldcap records to improve the quality of their catalogs and or to maintain group catalogs. Worldcap query collections include a customized set of Worldcap records, which libraries can. 113 Mindy Tran 00:30:17.740 --> 00:30:37.580 Download on demand or on a scheduled basis. Now libraries use query collections to get things like records for titles from a specific provider or on a specific subject. Or to get records for all of your libraries print serials. 114 Mindy Tran 00:30:39.060 --> 00:30:57.540 To get records for new titles that may have been added to an open access collection that you've already selected. Get records across multiple OCLC symbols, so maybe you are a group catalog administrator and instead of having individual. 115 Mindy Tran 00:30:58.700 --> 00:31:03.980 Mark records sent to you files sent to you from various libraries, you can go in. 116 Mindy Tran 00:31:05.980 --> 00:31:21.060 And set up a query collection to get mark records across multiple OCLC symbols. Okay, or you may want to just get records for all of your libraries holdings in Worldcap at is this as it is now. 117 Mindy Tran 00:31:25.940 --> 00:31:31.820 Or you may want that for other reasons that I didn't, again, mention here. 118 Mindy Tran 00:31:35.900 --> 00:31:56.180 So how this works is that your library creates a query collection in collection manager and define your selection criteria using broadcast search indexes. Using this collection manager goes out and search Worldcat to find and retrieve. 119 Mindy Tran 00:31:56.420 --> 00:31:59.460 Records, based on your selection criteria. 120 Mindy Tran 00:32:01.500 --> 00:32:20.660 And then delivers these records to your, to you, your library then retrieves the records and loads these records into your local catalog or into your shared catalog for your group or send it off to be loaded into a shared catalog. 121 Mindy Tran 00:32:29.980 --> 00:32:30.860 In collection manager. 122 Mindy Tran 00:32:34.660 --> 00:32:39.700 To create a query collection, I'm gonna go ahead and close out some of these here. 123 Mindy Tran 00:32:42.420 --> 00:32:49.180 Under create a collection, you want to select the collection type as query collection. 124 Mindy Tran 00:32:52.020 --> 00:33:11.100 And when you click create, you get, again, this screen where there's a number of accordions with the properties accordion being the first one that's opened up here. You put in a collection name that you want to, associate with this collection. The collec. 125 Mindy Tran 00:33:11.340 --> 00:33:31.500 ID is automatically assigned. You'll notice that there is an area here where you can customize, you can change the collection ID, know that if you do, you need to make sure that the collection ID is unique to your libraries, to the entire collection manager. You. 126 Mindy Tran 00:33:31.620 --> 00:33:35.660 You could provide a description so that you know what this query collection is about. 127 Mindy Tran 00:33:37.660 --> 00:33:55.580 In the Worldcat selection criteria is where you put in what you want collection manager to go out and search world cap using worldcap search indexes. If I hover the mouse over here, it will kind of give you an example of how you want to construct. 128 Mindy Tran 00:33:59.140 --> 00:34:10.580 The selection criteria. So AM colon is I'm searching for the provider by the keyword and and I'm searching for. 129 Mindy Tran 00:34:13.220 --> 00:34:15.820 Year as well as year. 130 Mindy Tran 00:34:17.300 --> 00:34:28.060 And the Anne Boolean is that needs to be an all capital letters and the year two thousand eleven as well as it, the materials has to be an electronic resources. 131 Mindy Tran 00:34:29.940 --> 00:34:30.860 Format, ok? 132 Mindy Tran 00:34:33.100 --> 00:34:50.899 You can also say, I only want this once. I don't want it again or it can be ongoing delivery. With the ongoing delivery, the subsequent output is based on the record delivery that's been set up in the institution setting, ok? 133 Mindy Tran 00:34:52.940 --> 00:35:10.900 Any collection note that you want or staff note so that you know, marked delivery filters? So you may want to filter out certain types of records, so you want to be a little bit more granular, you can do that here under mark record marked delivery filters. You may only want. 134 Mindy Tran 00:35:14.580 --> 00:35:16.140 Records within, as. 135 Mindy Tran 00:35:18.140 --> 00:35:37.980 That have been set within a certain date range. You may want records specifically only updated within a specific date range for instance. So that's how you can under the mark record delivery filters. And if you want mark records, you need to enable it to tell the system. 136 Mindy Tran 00:35:38.420 --> 00:35:53.740 Yes, I want mark records for this collection. Otherwise, by default it is disabled. Okay, and then once you filled out all the required information, you click create, to. 137 Mindy Tran 00:35:55.780 --> 00:36:03.620 Create that collection. And again, there are training contents specific to how to set up a query collection. If. 138 Mindy Tran 00:36:06.220 --> 00:36:12.660 You need, and that is also on our collection manager training page, ok? 139 Mindy Tran 00:36:16.420 --> 00:36:26.380 Any questions so far about what we've covered? Just a quick reminder, if you have questions, feel free to send them in via chat. 140 Mindy Tran 00:36:32.980 --> 00:36:50.940 Worldcap cataloging partner Libraries use worldwide calling partner collections to get the print materials into circulation faster. It's a partnership between your library, OCLC and your materials. 141 Mindy Tran 00:36:51.340 --> 00:37:05.380 Vendor. It's to help libraries improve cataloging efficiency and get their new physical items ordered through participating material providers to library users faster. 142 Mindy Tran 00:37:08.060 --> 00:37:16.820 To help libraries make new items visible on the web sooner by having your libraries holdings automatically added to worldcap. 143 Mindy Tran 00:37:20.460 --> 00:37:29.340 To help library safe staff time to allocate to tasks that only library staff can perform such as original cataloging. 144 Mindy Tran 00:37:35.580 --> 00:37:36.460 So how this works. 145 Mindy Tran 00:37:38.620 --> 00:37:49.260 In collection manager is that the process starts when the library order materials or sets up an approval plan with the material vendor. 146 Mindy Tran 00:37:51.260 --> 00:37:55.620 The material vendor sends an electronic list of titles to OCLC. 147 Mindy Tran 00:37:58.660 --> 00:38:16.420 Collection manager finds matching records in Worldcat sets library holdings on these records, and customized as needed to include additional data such as invoice date, net price, barcodes, custom notes, and other local data. 148 Mindy Tran 00:38:19.100 --> 00:38:28.580 Collection manager then delivers the customized records and a report to the library while the vendor delivers materials to the library. 149 Mindy Tran 00:38:32.100 --> 00:38:47.780 Collection manager can get print ready spine and pocket labeled files with your preferred classification system call numbers or have these files sent directly to material providers for shelf ready processing. 150 Mindy Tran 00:38:56.460 --> 00:39:00.460 So how this works in collection Manager is that. 151 Mindy Tran 00:39:02.220 --> 00:39:04.820 So in collection manager, we can go in. 152 Mindy Tran 00:39:07.020 --> 00:39:08.380 And create a collection. 153 Mindy Tran 00:39:11.460 --> 00:39:14.340 This time we want to create a cataloging partner collection. 154 Mindy Tran 00:39:17.380 --> 00:39:28.740 Click create, and when you do that, again, you have a various accordions that you need to create fill out the profile for. 155 Mindy Tran 00:39:32.220 --> 00:39:40.300 Properties, a collection name is very important. Provider, here's the list of providers that. 156 Mindy Tran 00:39:43.540 --> 00:39:51.300 OCLC works with that's currently available. If you select the provider, I am going to just pick one here. 157 Mindy Tran 00:39:55.020 --> 00:40:01.700 Account number collection ID. This two fields, the information for this is. 158 Mindy Tran 00:40:03.420 --> 00:40:10.260 Will need to come from your provider. So you need to ask your provider for this information and then just fill in the information. 159 Mindy Tran 00:40:11.820 --> 00:40:14.980 In the correct field. And if you need a reminder again. 160 Mindy Tran 00:40:17.980 --> 00:40:32.420 The question mark will give you some information if you hover your mouse over that or click on it. Okay, but the account number and collection ID is the information that will need to come from your provider. 161 Mindy Tran 00:40:36.980 --> 00:40:55.860 At the same time, you can tell for this collection you can tell collection manager whether you want to maintain holdings because by default it is disabled for this collection. And on top of that, if you want to maintain holdings for titles in this collection, you can also set a delay because maybe. 162 Mindy Tran 00:40:57.860 --> 00:41:17.540 We get the electronic file, however, you may not want OCLC to set holdings your library holdings on these titles immediately. You may want to say hold off for fifteen days or hold off for thirty days because you want to have time for your. 163 Mindy Tran 00:41:17.540 --> 00:41:23.260 Your provider to send the materials to your library or maybe you have shelf ready. 164 Mindy Tran 00:41:25.380 --> 00:41:35.300 Processing by the provider you want to give time to make sure that that is completed and the material gets to your library before it shows up that your library has. 165 Mindy Tran 00:41:36.780 --> 00:41:40.580 In Worldcap that your library has these materials. 166 Mindy Tran 00:41:42.780 --> 00:41:53.260 Mark records, same way you can, it's disabled if you want to receive records for this, you have to say yes, I do want mark records. I do want. 167 Mindy Tran 00:41:55.140 --> 00:42:05.860 There are certain information that's specific to catalogging partner collection, things like whether you want what holding library code copy call number, for instance, ok? 168 Mindy Tran 00:42:08.380 --> 00:42:27.940 Labels, whether you want to have enabled labels, it even and then whether you want us to send that file to the provider or to just directly to your library as I mentioned. If your library is a do we call number library, there are some other customiz. 169 Mindy Tran 00:42:28.140 --> 00:42:31.820 That you can do for instance, maybe you want something very specific for. 170 Mindy Tran 00:42:33.780 --> 00:42:39.060 Adult biography or fiction, so on and so forth. Okay. 171 Mindy Tran 00:42:48.100 --> 00:42:48.660 Questions about that? 172 Mindy Tran 00:42:50.580 --> 00:43:04.460 There are, again, training, videos that will walk you through each of these properties, each of these accordance in more detail and explain a little bit more about what I just really quickly went through. 173 Mindy Tran 00:43:19.900 --> 00:43:38.860 Libraries use Broadcap knowledge based collections to allow other OCLC services that will enable your library to say provide easy access to your library's electronic resources in search results say like in Worldcap discovery. To. 174 Mindy Tran 00:43:39.700 --> 00:43:46.660 Quickly and easily share your libraries electronic resources with other libraries using Worldchi ILL. 175 Mindy Tran 00:43:50.020 --> 00:44:08.900 To manage budgeting, ordering, and acquisition of your libraries electronic resources using World Share acquisition. Maybe you want to control who can access your library's electronic resources as well as the link resolution. 176 Mindy Tran 00:44:09.100 --> 00:44:29.540 To these resources and can do that using World Share license Manager. Or if you're not using any of the services that I just mentioned, you can develop your own custom solution that would embed your libraries, knowledge based collections using the Worldcap knowledge ba. 177 Mindy Tran 00:44:29.780 --> 00:44:30.340 API. 178 Mindy Tran 00:44:36.260 --> 00:44:37.980 So how this works is that. 179 Mindy Tran 00:44:39.820 --> 00:44:59.180 Libraries either select or create knowledge based collections to represent their libraries electronic resources. And then OCLC can maintain your library's holdings in WorldCat for titles that you've selected in that, in those collections. 180 Mindy Tran 00:45:00.900 --> 00:45:08.060 Deliver roll cat records that you will then download and then import into your local catalog. And. 181 Mindy Tran 00:45:10.100 --> 00:45:22.420 At the same time, these same role tech knowledge base collections can appear in Worldcap discovery, can be imported exported to google Scholar or. 182 Mindy Tran 00:45:24.220 --> 00:45:27.860 Can be used in World Share inter library load or. 183 Mindy Tran 00:45:32.860 --> 00:45:43.060 If you want to set up your own way of using your libraries knowledge based data, you can do that with the world knowledge base API. 184 Mindy Tran 00:45:51.460 --> 00:46:06.740 In collection manager at a very high level, very quickly, if you, you can search for knowledge base, there are, I have to say over twenty five thousand collections. 185 Mindy Tran 00:46:08.140 --> 00:46:28.380 I'm in collection manager. You can search for them to find a matching collection or you can create a collection, a local collection if needed. Maybe the collection that you found, you could not use for some reason or the collection that you or you didn't find a collection, you. 186 Mindy Tran 00:46:29.620 --> 00:46:44.460 In the Worldcap knowledge base. In this case, you can always create a new knowledge base, a local knowledge base collection. There's the option to create a database only, where there are no titles. Maybe you. 187 Mindy Tran 00:46:45.860 --> 00:46:58.580 You want to provide the access via collection manager, knowledge base, but these are database only, they don't have any titles or you create a local collection. 188 Mindy Tran 00:47:00.380 --> 00:47:19.340 Again, collection name collection ID, any linking because it's e resources, if you want holdings to be added, maintained, if you want to export the titles in this collection to Google Scholar, ok? 189 Mindy Tran 00:47:21.140 --> 00:47:22.380 Now, we do have. 190 Mindy Tran 00:47:24.900 --> 00:47:45.340 Classes that go into a lot more detail about working with knowledge based collection existing collections as well as creating new local collections, ok? But just to give you an idea, this is where it starts. You create the collection first. If you need to, and then once you create the collection, you will then be able. 191 Mindy Tran 00:47:45.460 --> 00:47:49.660 To go in and add individual titles to the collection. 192 Mindy Tran 00:47:57.740 --> 00:47:58.300 Questions about that? 193 Mindy Tran 00:48:07.140 --> 00:48:27.540 One of the last types of collection that I want to talk about, it may not be a collection, but you can think of it in that way because you can get records for these worldcap titles. So libraries use Worldcap updates to save time maintaining electronic input materials. 194 Mindy Tran 00:48:27.660 --> 00:48:47.860 So we've talked about the other collections like catalogging partner collection, knowledge based collections, for instance. And you can use Worldcap updates to ensure that your users can easily find and access their content. For example, your library has profile. 195 Mindy Tran 00:48:48.100 --> 00:49:08.260 Calory, partner collections to deliver less than full level records. Worldcap updates can deliver updated full level records when they become available in worldcap. So if you've set it up, to receive updated records or your library has added or selected. 196 Mindy Tran 00:49:08.620 --> 00:49:13.500 Knowledge base collections and now these collections have changed. We'll kept updates can. 197 Mindy Tran 00:49:14.980 --> 00:49:29.420 Deliver records when titles have changed that meet your criteria have been added to the collection or have been removed from the collection that your library have selected. Okay. 198 Mindy Tran 00:49:33.700 --> 00:49:53.940 So how this works is that libraries set workat updates criteria in collection manager. For instance, you can choose whether to only get records based on, say, changes for knowledge base and query collections or based on changes for knowledge. 199 Mindy Tran 00:49:54.740 --> 00:49:59.060 Collections, query collections, as well as worldcap holdings. 200 Mindy Tran 00:50:01.100 --> 00:50:07.380 Or you can say none, you don't want to get any Worldcap updates, and that's ok too. 201 Mindy Tran 00:50:08.740 --> 00:50:11.980 If you've set to get worldcap update records. 202 Mindy Tran 00:50:13.300 --> 00:50:16.980 Ask changes to the Worldcap records meet. 203 Mindy Tran 00:50:19.220 --> 00:50:31.820 Your libraries of Worldcap update criteria in collection manager, the system delivers updated records and apply mark record customizations to these records. And then. 204 Mindy Tran 00:50:33.100 --> 00:50:38.820 Your library downloads these records and load them into your library's local catalog. 205 Mindy Tran 00:50:46.220 --> 00:51:01.340 I'm gonna show you how, where you can find this, but I want to move on and talk about mark records because where Worldcap update resides is also where you would go in and set up mark records and roll cap holdings, for instance. 206 Mindy Tran 00:51:08.500 --> 00:51:28.540 So as I mentioned throughout this during the beginning of the session as well as throughout the session, collection manager enables you to get mark records for collections that you create or that you've selected as well as have your holdings maintained in worldcap. However. 207 Mindy Tran 00:51:29.540 --> 00:51:40.340 Depending on the types of collections that you've created, you will want to take into consideration how mark record settings may or may not affect the records that you received. 208 Mindy Tran 00:51:44.380 --> 00:52:02.540 Collection manager allows libraries to set holdings in worldcap based on the titles in their collection manager instance. Collection manager will automatically maintain holdings in worldcap for your catalogging partner collections as well as your knowledge base collections. 209 Mindy Tran 00:52:02.780 --> 00:52:10.900 That are, where titles have been added, deleted or updated in the cu in the collection. 210 Mindy Tran 00:52:17.380 --> 00:52:33.380 For Mark records, customization, that we've shown in the beginning it's in institution and settings mark records, and this applies to all collections that your library creates or select in collection manager. 211 Mindy Tran 00:52:35.340 --> 00:52:44.460 So anytime you are using a new collection type in collection manager, you may want to come back here and just. 212 Mindy Tran 00:52:49.780 --> 00:53:09.140 Take a look at your mark record settings again for all collections. You may not need to change anything, but just to verify that these are the types of customizations that you still want. Anytime you're adding a new type of collection that you want to use in collection Manager, because the first time you. 213 Mindy Tran 00:53:09.300 --> 00:53:29.580 Set it up maybe specifically for calling partner collection or for knowledge based collection. And a few months later, you may want to, add another type of collection to it. And so just to go back here once in a, anytime you're adding a new type of collection that you're using a new. 214 Mindy Tran 00:53:30.020 --> 00:53:38.860 Collection, just to verify the settings for the customizations are still the ones that you want and applicable across. 215 Mindy Tran 00:53:42.700 --> 00:53:47.420 The existing collection type as well as the new one that you plan to use, ok? 216 Mindy Tran 00:53:52.380 --> 00:53:56.420 So let me go ahead and switch over to collection manager here. 217 Mindy Tran 00:53:58.580 --> 00:54:09.700 And in this case, we're not creating any collection. I'm gonna go to institution settings and walk you through a little bit more in detail here. So if I want to. 218 Mindy Tran 00:54:12.020 --> 00:54:14.300 Maintain world cap holdings for my titles. 219 Mindy Tran 00:54:17.220 --> 00:54:21.900 Catalogging partner collection as well as knowledge base collection, I want to make sure that. 220 Mindy Tran 00:54:23.500 --> 00:54:35.140 By default it will be no, and I want to make sure that I've enabled this. You only need to turn it in, you need only need to enable it once, ok? To yes. 221 Mindy Tran 00:54:37.740 --> 00:54:52.060 And then to enable mark records across all of your libraries collection and collection manager, you want to go to mark records. And again, by default it will be no. You just want to make sure that you. 222 Mindy Tran 00:54:53.740 --> 00:55:10.900 Say yes, and once you do, these tabs will light up for you to customize. Customize records is where you configure record settings across all of your collections. Some options are available to configure within each collection. 223 Mindy Tran 00:55:12.900 --> 00:55:26.700 Okay, so you'll notice that there are sections where it applies to all and there are sections where it's only applicable to knowledge based collections or applicable to worldcap, eight fifty six fields only, ok? 224 Mindy Tran 00:55:31.340 --> 00:55:34.340 Worldcap updates. This is the collection. 225 Mindy Tran 00:55:35.820 --> 00:55:55.980 Last collection that I talked about. This is where you can customize or say whether you want to get updated Worldcap records. You can say none, I don't want to get any. Now, or you can say, I only want for knowledge base and query collection I don't want it for anything else. 226 Mindy Tran 00:55:56.980 --> 00:55:58.500 Or you can say I want it for everything. 227 Mindy Tran 00:56:01.060 --> 00:56:05.580 Okay? And then you specify which OCLC symbol. 228 Mindy Tran 00:56:07.220 --> 00:56:26.380 And then you can decide, you can say, I want to get updates for everything regardless of what changes in the world cap record, send me an updated record or you can be a little bit more granular and say, I only want updated Worldcap records if it meets these criteria, it includes these or exclude these. 229 Mindy Tran 00:56:27.740 --> 00:56:27.940 Okay. 230 Mindy Tran 00:56:32.460 --> 00:56:32.940 Questions about that? 231 Mindy Tran 00:56:38.540 --> 00:56:56.220 As part of customization, record delivery, this is where you could figure your record delivery options. Some options, again, are available to configure within each collection. For instance, delivery frequency for all collections I'm saying I want everything. 232 Mindy Tran 00:56:57.740 --> 00:57:08.780 On a daily basis. However, maybe for one of your collections, you're saying, I don't want it on a daily basis for this collection, I only wanted on a. 233 Mindy Tran 00:57:11.140 --> 00:57:16.900 On a an annual basis and you can do that for at the collection level. 234 Mindy Tran 00:57:20.140 --> 00:57:38.940 Cataloging partner options, you can ignore this unless your library is using the cataloging partner collections. This is where you can figure additional settings for cataloging partner collections such as what do we do if your library already has a. 235 Mindy Tran 00:57:40.020 --> 00:57:41.260 Workload holdings in. 236 Mindy Tran 00:57:44.420 --> 00:57:56.220 Added to Worldcap? What do we do with the duplicate record? Do you want us to send you still a record with the OCLC number? Okay, so that just to give you an idea. 237 Mindy Tran 00:57:59.140 --> 00:58:18.300 There are, like I've mentioned throughout the session, training, video, training materials, I should say that's available to assist you with setting up mark records for all collections or for working with individual types of collections within. 238 Mindy Tran 00:58:18.340 --> 00:58:22.860 Collection manager. There are a couple of upcoming. 239 Mindy Tran 00:58:24.780 --> 00:58:30.740 Classes specific to working with knowledge based collections. I believe one is coming up in. 240 Mindy Tran 00:58:35.980 --> 00:58:38.660 November and I think one is coming up in December. 241 Mindy Tran 00:58:41.020 --> 00:58:48.460 We always have recordings that are available as well as other training materials that are available. If you. 242 Mindy Tran 00:58:50.740 --> 00:58:55.900 Can't wait until the, the live classes, ok? 243 Mindy Tran 00:59:00.420 --> 00:59:19.420 Now, since we are in world chair, one of the things I've shown you at the very beginning is how to get online help for the different for when working with collection manager. The other place that you can get help is the community center for collection manager. 244 Mindy Tran 00:59:20.780 --> 00:59:40.260 Since you're already logged into world Share with your account, you can it click to underneath help you excuse me, and say Community Center, and it will take you out to the community center. Excuse me, I think I've logged out too long. 245 Mindy Tran 00:59:40.980 --> 00:59:46.220 And you will be able to log in to the community, Ocelsi community center. 246 Mindy Tran 00:59:48.900 --> 01:00:01.300 For collection manager under product, you can go to world share collection Manager, and here you can see that there are, go to the discussion. If you have questions that you can. 247 Mindy Tran 01:00:02.740 --> 01:00:04.700 You don't have to ask OCLC, you can always. 248 Mindy Tran 01:00:06.620 --> 01:00:11.180 Pose it here in the discussion group, to ask one of your peer. 249 Mindy Tran 01:00:13.820 --> 01:00:14.620 Peer libraries. 250 Mindy Tran 01:00:16.860 --> 01:00:16.980 Or. 251 Mindy Tran 01:00:19.100 --> 01:00:38.980 Also within here, there's news, any news that's happening, events that are upcoming, like any workshop, any OCLC, office hours, product insight sessions, recordings of passed events. If you have ideas to share, about how to improve. 252 Mindy Tran 01:00:39.180 --> 01:00:40.180 Collection manager. 253 Mindy Tran 01:00:42.420 --> 01:00:56.260 Or any idea, you can go here and propose those ideas to us. Roadmap of what you can expect is coming in the future or what you can look forward to, and that's here under. 254 Mindy Tran 01:00:58.580 --> 01:00:59.020 Roadmap. 255 Mindy Tran 01:01:07.420 --> 01:01:16.460 Within world share, you can also, of course, contact support if you encounter an issue while you're using collection manager. 256 Mindy Tran 01:01:20.420 --> 01:01:20.540 Or. 257 Mindy Tran 01:01:23.180 --> 01:01:35.100 You can always go to help dot OCLC dot org and contacts and there's a link to contact support there. That's also where you can access the online. 258 Mindy Tran 01:01:37.460 --> 01:01:54.020 Online help for all of those sales these products and services and collection manager. Or if you want to talk to one of our customer representative, you can always call our toll free number if you're in the US or in Canada, the toll free number that you see on the screen here. 259 Mindy Tran 01:01:58.300 --> 01:02:05.540 I am going to pause here and ask if there are any questions for anything that we've covered in the session today. 260 Mindy Tran 01:02:13.220 --> 01:02:26.300 Do you know if there are limits on the number of collections libraries can create or use? Do you know if libraries are charged more for using more collections? So I think there's two parts to this. 261 Mindy Tran 01:02:28.900 --> 01:02:48.300 I'm gonna answer the second question first. Do you know if libraries are charged more for using more collections? If your library has a catalogging subscription and you're using collection manager, as far as I know, creating collections and or using collection is, is unlimited. You shouldn't. 262 Mindy Tran 01:02:48.420 --> 01:03:08.380 Be charged anything extra. For data sync collection, I believe, and I don't know this, I would encourage you to contact support for this, for this. For data sync collection, you can create as many collections as you want. There maybe and. 263 Mindy Tran 01:03:08.980 --> 01:03:29.100 Please do not quote me on this, fee for certain a specific type of collection, but I'm not sure. But if you have account full catalogging subscription, then creating or using knowledge based collections catalogging partner collection is unlimited. 264 Mindy Tran 01:03:30.300 --> 01:03:32.980 If you have other types of subscription. 265 Mindy Tran 01:03:34.900 --> 01:03:42.820 I'm trying to think off the top of my head here, let me go to the World check collection Manager help site here. 266 Mindy Tran 01:03:44.860 --> 01:03:46.060 Some libraries may have. 267 Mindy Tran 01:03:49.340 --> 01:03:55.660 Cat express subscription, that's what I was what looking for. Then there maybe a different type of. 268 Mindy Tran 01:03:56.980 --> 01:04:12.780 Cost model for that, that I'm not, and that doesn't include an unlimited number of collections or, create or use. But if you have a full catalog and subscription, there shouldn't be. 269 Mindy Tran 01:04:14.620 --> 01:04:18.980 Any additional charge for, using. 270 Mindy Tran 01:04:21.900 --> 01:04:33.820 Using or creating a collections in collection manager. And as far as I know, it is unlimited. I haven't seen a restriction yet on how many collections library can create or use. 271 Mindy Tran 01:04:38.620 --> 01:04:39.180 Any other questions. 272 Mindy Tran 01:04:48.100 --> 01:05:08.020 Well, that's ok. I know that you're probably still processing this information and that is perfectly fine. Like I said, if you have additional questions, please don't hesitate to reach out to our OCLC support team via email, or via phone. 273 Mindy Tran 01:05:11.900 --> 01:05:31.500 I want to thank you for spending your day with me for your hour with me. I'll be online for a few more minutes to answer any other questions. If you don't have any other questions for me, please feel free to log out and when you do, you'll be redirected to an evaluation for this class. I'd like to ask for just. 274 Mindy Tran 01:05:31.780 --> 01:05:41.220 Another minute of your time to provide us with feedback for this session. We very much appreciate it. Thank you and I hope to see you in future OCLC training sessions.