Foundations of Connexion client 1:39 pm - 2:50 pm Tuesday, September 10, 2024 | (UTC-04:00) Eastern Time (US & Canada) WEBVTT 1 Crystal Rodriguez 00:21:17.960 --> 00:21:36.640 Okay, thank you everyone. Welcome to today's session Foundations of Connection Client. My name is Crystal Rodriguez. I'm a product trainer here at OCLC on our member education team. And, the current version of Connection Client is three point one, which is. 2 Crystal Rodriguez 00:21:36.800 --> 00:21:47.680 What I will be using today Version two point six three is still supported and recommended for any libraries using an older version of Microsoft. If you need information. 3 Crystal Rodriguez 00:21:48.960 --> 00:21:56.600 On installing connection client, there will be a link in the learner guide, which I'm adding to the chat right now. Bear with me as I do that. 4 Crystal Rodriguez 00:22:03.720 --> 00:22:15.160 So I just added the link to the learner guide for this class and you'll want to refer back to that throughout the session. It's gonna have a lot of helpful links that I'm going to reference during the class. 5 Crystal Rodriguez 00:22:20.920 --> 00:22:41.040 Okay, we will begin today with a quick glance at OCLC and Worldcat. We will then look at some basic information on starting connection client, navigating the interface, copy cataloging, and working with a list of records. Lastly, we will review options for finding online help. 6 Crystal Rodriguez 00:22:41.840 --> 00:23:01.880 For cataloging and contacting OCLC support. As I mentioned to accompany this course and for future reference, you will want to review the learner guide that's linked in the chat. This can also be found on our help site under metadata, and then connection, then connection client tra. 7 Crystal Rodriguez 00:23:01.880 --> 00:23:05.720 Training. It's also where you signed up to register for this class. 8 Crystal Rodriguez 00:23:12.120 --> 00:23:15.720 Okay, so here you see some information about OCLC at a glance. 9 Crystal Rodriguez 00:23:19.320 --> 00:23:37.600 OCLC is a global library organization that provides shared technology services, original research, and community programs for its memberships, and the library community at large. OCLC is a non profit library organization that provides. 10 Crystal Rodriguez 00:23:37.840 --> 00:23:56.920 Services to all types of libraries in more than one hundred countries. Libraries use OCLC services for library management, discovery, interlibrary loan, cataloging, and more. And you can find links for more information about OCLC in the learner guide. 11 Crystal Rodriguez 00:24:04.120 --> 00:24:23.640 That's Worldcat is the world's most comprehensive database of information about library cat collections. Worldcat has more than five hundred million bibliographic records for popular and unique items, meaning that you'll probably find a record for the item you are copy cataloging. 12 Crystal Rodriguez 00:24:25.160 --> 00:24:30.200 And again, this, the links here can be found within that, the links in the learner guide. 13 Crystal Rodriguez 00:24:35.960 --> 00:24:55.120 OCLC offers two primary interfaces to access royal Cap for cataloging purposes. Within the world share Management Services platform, libraries can use world Share Record manager, if activated. Additionally libraries can use connection client, which is downloaded on staff works. 14 Crystal Rodriguez 00:24:55.160 --> 00:25:11.160 Stations. And today we'll be, we will be checking a look at connection client. If you'd like to compare these cataloging interfaces, see the link in the learner guide for a chart showing a comparison of OCLC cataloging applications. 15 Crystal Rodriguez 00:25:18.520 --> 00:25:38.360 Within Worldcat, there is one principal record for each manifestation of a title. Referred to as the world cat record. This is the cooperative record that is stored in WorldCat for a specific item. Libraries attach holdings to matching role cat records to indicate that they. 16 Crystal Rodriguez 00:25:38.920 --> 00:25:59.080 This title. Worldcat allows you to find a matching record and begin to edit for local purposes. When you begin to edit or lock a record, you begin to work with a working copy of that record. With this record, multiple libraries can view the same record s. 17 Crystal Rodriguez 00:25:59.160 --> 00:26:19.560 Imultaneously. Any edits made do not affect the Worldcat record unless the library chooses to the replace option for that record. Typically, holdings are then set on the record and the working copy record is exported to enable transfer to your local ca. 18 Crystal Rodriguez 00:26:19.640 --> 00:26:19.960 Catalog. 19 Crystal Rodriguez 00:26:26.800 --> 00:26:37.880 Here you see a graphic showing the typical process for copy cataloging in connection client. First, you will look for a matching record using the catalogging menu. 20 Crystal Rodriguez 00:26:40.200 --> 00:26:59.640 Once you confirm the match, you'll then decide if any local edits are needed, and you'll make those edits using the edit menu. You'll set your library holdings and then likely export the record using the action menu to be later added to your local system. 21 Crystal Rodriguez 00:27:04.560 --> 00:27:22.720 To determine the best match, you will compare the fields in the record against the item that you have. Also, libraries generally choose the record with the most holdings, those with DLC in the O four O field, and or those with encoding level set as. 22 Crystal Rodriguez 00:27:23.040 --> 00:27:23.240 Full. 23 Crystal Rodriguez 00:27:25.000 --> 00:27:42.640 OCLC continuously works to minimize duplicate records. If you see duplication, you can send an email to our biographic change team at BIP change at OCLC dot org, and I'm gonna add their email into the chat here real quick. 24 Crystal Rodriguez 00:27:53.920 --> 00:28:07.440 And then you also can see the bible graphics standards and formats for additional information on matching and when to create new records etc. I will provide additional information about that tool further on in the session. 25 Crystal Rodriguez 00:28:10.120 --> 00:28:14.080 Okay, I'm going to go ahead and open up connection now. 26 Crystal Rodriguez 00:28:20.720 --> 00:28:25.080 All right, you should be seeing my connection screen. Please indicate in chat if you are not seeing that. 27 Crystal Rodriguez 00:28:30.440 --> 00:28:44.640 So before we begin, the copy cataloging process, we need to configure connection client. Our first step is to set up a default authorization for logging in. This is your nine digit authorization. 28 Crystal Rodriguez 00:28:46.280 --> 00:29:02.200 That is provided to you by our order services team when you set, when you subscribe to cataloging services. And we'll talk a little more about that further on as well. Okay, so to set this up, we're gonna go ahead and go to tools options. 29 Crystal Rodriguez 00:29:03.560 --> 00:29:05.120 And then we're gonna click on Authorizations. 30 Crystal Rodriguez 00:29:06.760 --> 00:29:08.720 And I'm going to enter in an authorization number. 31 Crystal Rodriguez 00:29:12.560 --> 00:29:18.040 It is not necessary to enter in the dashes, but if you do, it will still work either way. 32 Crystal Rodriguez 00:29:20.200 --> 00:29:26.960 And then we're gonna enter our password, and we're gonna throw a name in there for this. So I'm just gonna call this training. 33 Crystal Rodriguez 00:29:29.720 --> 00:29:33.360 And that part is optional, but it's helpful to indicate that. 34 Crystal Rodriguez 00:29:35.760 --> 00:29:55.120 Especially if you're going to add more than one authorization as I'm about to demonstrate. So you can add multiple authorizations. This is helpful if you have multiple people working on the same workstation at different times or perhaps you have different authorizations for different projects. So I'm going to go ahead and enter in a second authorization number here. 35 Crystal Rodriguez 00:29:59.320 --> 00:30:00.520 And the password for that one. 36 Crystal Rodriguez 00:30:02.400 --> 00:30:10.040 And I'm just gonna call this OC, and once I'm done, I'm gonna click apply and then close to close out that menu. 37 Crystal Rodriguez 00:30:12.760 --> 00:30:31.680 Now to see that default authorization at work, I'm going to go ahead and log on. So I'm going to go to file, log on, and you can see my authorization number is listed. If I use the dropdown here, I can see the second authorization number that I entered. I'm going to go ahead and use that first one. 38 Crystal Rodriguez 00:30:32.840 --> 00:30:38.680 Before you do that, I want to note that there is the setup authorization button here. So if. 39 Crystal Rodriguez 00:30:40.120 --> 00:30:52.960 You didn't set that up earlier by going to tools options or if you need to make a change, you can click on setup authorizations here, and that will take us back to that same screen. But I'm going to go ahead and just click on ok. 40 Crystal Rodriguez 00:30:54.280 --> 00:30:56.240 And I'm signed in, so I'm going to click close. 41 Crystal Rodriguez 00:31:03.440 --> 00:31:19.520 Okay, our next configuration step is to set our startup options. When I initially signed into CL or into connection, all it did was signed me in. But connection does have options to allow me to sign into other items. 42 Crystal Rodriguez 00:31:22.040 --> 00:31:35.800 Yes, I I got a question about making the font bigger. I cannot make the font on connection bigger. Unfortunately that's not a functionality. What I can try to do is zoom in a little bit. Oh, nope, that actually makes it go really far away. 43 Crystal Rodriguez 00:31:38.560 --> 00:31:49.320 I apologize, I don't connection doesn't have that option to make the menu font any larger. We do have an option to make the record font larger. So when I get to that, I can see what I can do there. 44 Crystal Rodriguez 00:31:54.760 --> 00:32:00.920 Okay, so to set up my startup options I'm gonna go to tools again and then options. 45 Crystal Rodriguez 00:32:02.720 --> 00:32:23.000 And then I'm gonna click on general, and I have startup options here. So as I said right now there is no startup option. I, what I want to do is I want to go ahead and click on start a client function and there's multiple options here for me. I want to log on and immediately get the option to search. 46 Crystal Rodriguez 00:32:23.200 --> 00:32:29.320 Worldcat. So I'm going to choose that option and click ok. Again I click apply and then close. 47 Crystal Rodriguez 00:32:30.840 --> 00:32:32.280 And to demonstrate that, I'm going to. 48 Crystal Rodriguez 00:32:34.080 --> 00:32:40.080 Need to close connection and reopen it. So let me do that for you. 49 Crystal Rodriguez 00:32:41.720 --> 00:32:43.120 And here you still seeing my PowerPoint there. 50 Crystal Rodriguez 00:32:51.360 --> 00:32:57.200 And here you can see, make that bigger, sorry. You can see that connection opened with the search box there. 51 Crystal Rodriguez 00:32:59.800 --> 00:33:00.920 Oh I need to hit cancel. 52 Crystal Rodriguez 00:33:02.920 --> 00:33:04.160 And let me make that larger. 53 Crystal Rodriguez 00:33:07.320 --> 00:33:10.840 So that's just a feature that you can add if you would like to that startup option there. 54 Crystal Rodriguez 00:33:14.000 --> 00:33:18.200 The next step is to set an export destination in connection client. 55 Crystal Rodriguez 00:33:23.520 --> 00:33:23.760 That's. 56 Crystal Rodriguez 00:33:27.240 --> 00:33:34.760 Did you see that note, I'll about increasing the viewing percent at the top of the screen, I'm not sure I'm I apologize, I'm unfamiliar with that. 57 Crystal Rodriguez 00:33:37.400 --> 00:33:38.680 This is all I'm seeing I apologize. 58 Crystal Rodriguez 00:33:46.200 --> 00:33:51.400 So to export a file, you need to create a file on your computer and set the destination. 59 Crystal Rodriguez 00:33:55.320 --> 00:34:09.879 So to do that, we're going to go to tools and options again. This time we're gonna choose export, and you'll notice that right now the destination is set to none. So if you click on create, you have the option to choose a file. 60 Crystal Rodriguez 00:34:11.399 --> 00:34:17.120 I'm gonna click OK, and then I can create a file here. I'm just gonna call it export. 61 Crystal Rodriguez 00:34:18.480 --> 00:34:20.600 I want that actually to go to my desktop though. 62 Crystal Rodriguez 00:34:22.200 --> 00:34:24.800 So I'm gonna go ahead and choose that option and click open. 63 Crystal Rodriguez 00:34:27.399 --> 00:34:35.159 And you'll see that now that destination is listed within connection here, and I can I can zoom in that a little bit there so you guys can see that better. 64 Crystal Rodriguez 00:34:38.320 --> 00:34:39.679 And I'm gonna go ahead and click ok there. 65 Crystal Rodriguez 00:34:43.960 --> 00:35:03.520 Additional information on setting up other types of export destinations will be reviewed in a future session entitled record editing and processing. For details prior to that session, please see the learner guide and our help site if you need some details on that in advance. I'm going to go ahead and click apply. 66 Crystal Rodriguez 00:35:04.440 --> 00:35:05.080 And close here. 67 Crystal Rodriguez 00:35:11.600 --> 00:35:15.600 Bear with me just one moment. I want to look at that as I see a response that it's a Webex thing. 68 Crystal Rodriguez 00:35:17.960 --> 00:35:20.120 Let me see if I can find that setting real quick. I apologize. 69 Crystal Rodriguez 00:35:24.360 --> 00:35:29.400 Yeah, I I'm sorry I'm not seeing it. I will definitely check with that for future sessions though. 70 Crystal Rodriguez 00:35:32.200 --> 00:35:35.320 And if there's an area that you need me to zoom in on I can do that as well. 71 Crystal Rodriguez 00:35:39.120 --> 00:35:45.960 So the last of the configurations that I wanted to show today is adding the available toolbars. So that's done. 72 Crystal Rodriguez 00:35:53.840 --> 00:36:05.000 Oh I see. Thank you Lisa Laura, i hope I pronounced that correctly, looks like this is a setting that you all can do on your own Webex, so the information on that should be visible in the chat. Thank you. 73 Crystal Rodriguez 00:36:07.560 --> 00:36:11.560 Okay, going back to the toolbars, if I click on the fee view menu. 74 Crystal Rodriguez 00:36:13.720 --> 00:36:31.120 I see here the option for toolbars and there are three options, so I can have the default client toolbar, the worldcat quick search or the quick tools. I'm just to demonstrate I'm going to uncheck the worldcap quick search, and you'll see that this quick search bar up here goes away. 75 Crystal Rodriguez 00:36:34.120 --> 00:36:39.720 So that just takes takes that away. I personally do like having that, so I'm going to go ahead and add it back in. 76 Crystal Rodriguez 00:36:42.080 --> 00:36:46.200 So those settings are more just your personal preference as to what toolbars you would like shown. 77 Crystal Rodriguez 00:36:48.880 --> 00:36:49.160 Okay. 78 Crystal Rodriguez 00:36:51.040 --> 00:37:11.120 Now that I've completed the setup I'm going to go ahead and search for ability graphic record and review what we see there. There's multiple ways that you can open the search box. I'm going to go ahead and use the cataloging menu and then click search in worldcat. I want to hover here for a moment because you can see that F two is also listed there. 79 Crystal Rodriguez 00:37:11.400 --> 00:37:17.040 As an option, so you can use the F two function or you can use that quick search toolbar. 80 Crystal Rodriguez 00:37:19.640 --> 00:37:21.960 I'm going to go ahead and search by an OCLC number. 81 Crystal Rodriguez 00:37:33.640 --> 00:37:36.760 Oh, that's not the record I was expecting, but that works too. 82 Crystal Rodriguez 00:37:38.840 --> 00:37:49.280 Alright, so here we're gonna just review what we see on our screen here. At the top we see the title of the of what we just searched or the of the record. 83 Crystal Rodriguez 00:37:53.440 --> 00:38:07.560 And that indicates that we are using that we're online with Royalcat and the title of that item. And then below that you see the menu bar, which we've kind of been using a little bit. Here's those the action, edit, and cataloging menus that I had mentioned earlier. 84 Crystal Rodriguez 00:38:09.920 --> 00:38:15.600 And each menu contains different functions. Many of which we will continue to review during this session. 85 Crystal Rodriguez 00:38:17.200 --> 00:38:37.040 And you'll also see the function icon here underneath as well. That's that bar there, and if you hover over that, you can see what function that performs, so here hovering over this although my cursor kinds of hides it a little bit, but that is the edit reformat. Bar, icon. 86 Crystal Rodriguez 00:38:38.280 --> 00:38:42.080 And then this next section may look slightly different for you depending on. 87 Crystal Rodriguez 00:38:44.800 --> 00:38:51.320 How you have your settings, but I have my quick start toolbar there and then I do have other automation tools. 88 Crystal Rodriguez 00:39:03.200 --> 00:39:16.640 And then right under that we have the holding status bar, which here you'll see the OCLC number for this item, and then you'll see whether or not your library holds that item and how many other libraries hold that item. 89 Crystal Rodriguez 00:39:21.280 --> 00:39:41.400 I then down at the bottom of the screen, you'll see the status bar, which indicates what actions we have taken on this record, and you also will see the timer which is reset every time that you do take an action or edit this record. But the timer starts at forty minutes. 90 Crystal Rodriguez 00:39:45.160 --> 00:39:48.960 Okay, now I want to take a look at the different parts of the record. 91 Crystal Rodriguez 00:39:52.360 --> 00:40:04.840 If you are new to Mark and or cataloging, and you haven't already, I would recommend that you watch our Mark biblographic basics video, which the link for that is available in the learner guide and on our help site. 92 Crystal Rodriguez 00:40:09.400 --> 00:40:25.600 So here we see the fixed field areas on my, on the top of my screen. I have the option to move that to either the bottom or set that at to view as a variable field. So to do that, I would go to view. 93 Crystal Rodriguez 00:40:28.360 --> 00:40:47.320 And then I'd see here the OCLC fixed field. Right now I have that set to top. I'm gonna change that real quick to display as variable field, and you'll see that now we have the leader field, the OO one o oh oh five and ooe eight showing here as variables. I personally like to see those. 94 Crystal Rodriguez 00:40:48.240 --> 00:40:51.680 As fixed up at the top, so I'm gonna remove or put that back there. 95 Crystal Rodriguez 00:41:06.040 --> 00:41:11.840 And then as I mentioned, the fields down here are your variable fields, which are going to include your title, your. 96 Crystal Rodriguez 00:41:13.840 --> 00:41:15.760 Your, all your access points subject etcetera. 97 Crystal Rodriguez 00:41:17.600 --> 00:41:31.040 Now we will cover bibler graphics searching in depth during a future session entitled bibliographic searching, but I'm gonna do just a couple of searches here to show demonstrate a few other things. So I'm going to X out of this record. 98 Crystal Rodriguez 00:41:34.920 --> 00:41:38.000 And this time I'm gonna use the F two function to open the search bar. 99 Crystal Rodriguez 00:41:40.200 --> 00:41:49.360 And I'm going to enter in a different OCLC number. Now you may note that I do have to put the number sign. You can also use n O colon to search for that number. 100 Crystal Rodriguez 00:41:56.040 --> 00:41:58.640 And then I can either click ok or just hit enter. 101 Crystal Rodriguez 00:42:07.160 --> 00:42:25.680 And here we want to note a couple of things. If we look in the O four O field, we see that this record has DLC, in, in that O four O which indicates that this record was contributed by the library of Congress or the program of cooperative cataloging, and that's often, as I mentioned earlier, that's often. 102 Crystal Rodriguez 00:42:26.600 --> 00:42:27.680 Preference when you're matching. 103 Crystal Rodriguez 00:42:30.080 --> 00:42:39.320 Also, if we look at this record, we see the O five O field, which is the LC call number and the O eight two field, which is excuse me, the Doy number. 104 Crystal Rodriguez 00:42:43.160 --> 00:42:46.760 Can be moved into local O nine oh and O nine two fields. 105 Crystal Rodriguez 00:42:48.560 --> 00:43:08.680 And it's important to keep in mind that the local field option is based on your library's cut cu classification in your authorization number. So note here that I have the blank O nine oh field, because that's how my authorization number is set up. I can still add an O nine two if I'd like, but the O nine O is there for me as a default. 106 Crystal Rodriguez 00:43:10.280 --> 00:43:20.400 So I can have, I have the option to go ahead and move that O eight two information into an O nine, into an O nine two. Sorry, my. 107 Crystal Rodriguez 00:43:22.000 --> 00:43:22.400 Getting the way there. 108 Crystal Rodriguez 00:43:30.080 --> 00:43:38.400 Alright, and then I want to go ahead and add an additional field to this record to indicate that this record was a donated. 109 Crystal Rodriguez 00:43:39.720 --> 00:43:54.800 It's I'm adding a five ninety field, I could go ahead and add that right here in the five hundreds, but I'm gonna actually scroll down all the way to the bottom of my record I'm gonna hit enter to add additional field. You also can use the right click to add fields. 110 Crystal Rodriguez 00:43:58.920 --> 00:44:06.560 I'm, I'm going to add in a five ninety, a no indicators here, and then I'm just gonna add donated. 111 Crystal Rodriguez 00:44:12.280 --> 00:44:15.400 Ohio State school for the blind. 112 Crystal Rodriguez 00:44:22.600 --> 00:44:36.960 And then I also want to remove a couple of fields here, so I want to remove these six fifty fives that have this upfield seven. So I'm just going to select that by clicking in that field and I can do a right click and choose delete field. 113 Crystal Rodriguez 00:44:38.760 --> 00:44:39.440 Sorry, I. 114 Crystal Rodriguez 00:44:42.840 --> 00:44:44.560 Alright, and I'm gonna remove each of those. 115 Crystal Rodriguez 00:44:49.520 --> 00:44:58.760 And as I said earlier, some of this will go more in depth on our third class, which is record editing and processing. This is just a quick overview today on that. 116 Crystal Rodriguez 00:45:01.800 --> 00:45:09.600 Now, if you'll, when you look through this records you'll see the little arrow over in the corner that indicates that that record, that field has been changed. 117 Crystal Rodriguez 00:45:15.280 --> 00:45:34.120 So once I've completed my edit, the next step recommended step would be to reformat this record, which will resort the record and correct some items such as, case ISPN, et cetera, and there is more information about that on our support site on what reformat does, but I'm going to go ahead and demonstrate that here. 118 Crystal Rodriguez 00:45:34.960 --> 00:45:51.000 To do that, I can use the icon or I can go to edit, and choose reformat. This happens very quickly once I click reformat, but I'll go back to the record and demonstrate where some of those things were moved. 119 Crystal Rodriguez 00:45:53.280 --> 00:45:59.920 So you saw that quick flash there, and if I scroll down my five ninety is now moved into the correct position in the record. 120 Crystal Rodriguez 00:46:08.240 --> 00:46:17.080 So then the next thing that I would wanna do with this record now that I've made my edits is to add my library holdings to indicate in royal cath that my library owns this item. 121 Crystal Rodriguez 00:46:18.480 --> 00:46:22.280 So again, I can use my icons, but I'm going to go ahead and use the action menu. 122 Crystal Rodriguez 00:46:24.200 --> 00:46:30.400 And I'm going to go to holdings and then choose update holdings. I also could have used the F eight function here. 123 Crystal Rodriguez 00:46:32.560 --> 00:46:42.840 And once I click on that, you'll see if we look in the status, the holdings status up here at the top, it now says held by my library. 124 Crystal Rodriguez 00:46:47.440 --> 00:47:01.760 Now, next thing I want to do is export the record, and again, I can do that using the action menu or in this case I'm just gonna go ahead and use my export icon here. So, again, this happens pretty quickly I'm just gonna click on that. 125 Crystal Rodriguez 00:47:03.280 --> 00:47:23.320 And unfortunately we don't see anything indicating that the export did take place except when we look down at the status bar, we see the export equals C and update holdings equals C So that C indicates that those things were completed. And then if I were to go to my desktop, I would. 126 Crystal Rodriguez 00:47:23.640 --> 00:47:25.720 Find that file, which I'll show you here. 127 Crystal Rodriguez 00:47:29.640 --> 00:47:36.920 So I now have that export dot DAT file, and if I open that up, I can open that to view it in notepad. 128 Crystal Rodriguez 00:47:40.920 --> 00:47:42.240 Bear with me, I need to move that over, there we go. 129 Crystal Rodriguez 00:47:46.360 --> 00:47:53.960 The export option sends the record in March twenty one communication to the file destination that I had configured. So that's what I'm seeing here. 130 Crystal Rodriguez 00:48:01.040 --> 00:48:19.840 Now another action that you may need to take is to actually delete holdings. This is gonna remove that holdings holding from worldcat, but not your local system. This is essentially used when you're re reading a record. So again, I'm gonna go ahead and go to action holdings and since my. 131 Crystal Rodriguez 00:48:20.600 --> 00:48:26.400 This record has my holdings, I now see the option to choose delete holdings, so I'm gonna go ahead and click on that. 132 Crystal Rodriguez 00:48:28.680 --> 00:48:30.160 And once connection decides to. 133 Crystal Rodriguez 00:48:33.560 --> 00:48:41.080 It's kind of work, it's thinking here. Sorry about that. But what will happen is that that held by statement will change back to not held. 134 Crystal Rodriguez 00:48:45.280 --> 00:48:57.960 I think I maybe having a little bit of technical difficulty here with connection. Not sure what's going on. Let me, let me go ahead and just close and reopen connection real quick and see if that will resolve the problem. I apologize for that. 135 Crystal Rodriguez 00:49:00.720 --> 00:49:02.000 Seems to kind of be stuck on me. 136 Crystal Rodriguez 00:49:04.800 --> 00:49:05.160 There we go. 137 Crystal Rodriguez 00:49:19.560 --> 00:49:21.040 Sorry, just one moment while I pull this over. 138 Crystal Rodriguez 00:49:25.680 --> 00:49:26.200 I'll. 139 Crystal Rodriguez 00:49:28.560 --> 00:49:28.880 Here we go. 140 Crystal Rodriguez 00:49:31.200 --> 00:49:38.040 Not really sure what happened there and sorry it must have just been a little bit of a technical glitch. It's first time I've actually ever seen that. 141 Crystal Rodriguez 00:49:42.760 --> 00:49:43.040 Okay. 142 Crystal Rodriguez 00:49:45.880 --> 00:49:51.720 So those are the basic steps regarding copy cataloging. I'm going to go ahead and close out of this record. 143 Crystal Rodriguez 00:49:57.240 --> 00:50:16.280 I mentioned earlier the quick search bar. This is the equivalent to that bill of graphic command line search that I've been using, so you can actually just add your searches in there. So I'm going to go ahead and add a search there. I'm gonna do T I colon, which is going to be the title index. 144 Crystal Rodriguez 00:50:17.200 --> 00:50:24.800 I'm gonna search for connection, and I want to put a qualifier for the two thousand three, and it's for the year two thousand three there. 145 Crystal Rodriguez 00:50:27.400 --> 00:50:28.360 And I'm gonna hit enter. 146 Crystal Rodriguez 00:50:30.600 --> 00:50:50.000 And you'll note that I get back a truncated list. We know this based on at the top of our screen, it says worldcat search truncated list. So in connection by default, if there are more than, if there's six to one hundred records, you're going to get back a truncated list. Anything. 147 Crystal Rodriguez 00:50:50.360 --> 00:50:59.320 More than a hundred records, you're gonna get a grouped list that then you can open each of those groups, which I can show that here as well. 148 Crystal Rodriguez 00:51:01.960 --> 00:51:03.960 I'm gonna go ahead and use the F two function this time. 149 Crystal Rodriguez 00:51:05.920 --> 00:51:07.560 And here, if I search title. 150 Crystal Rodriguez 00:51:09.760 --> 00:51:11.240 And search wrinkle in time. 151 Crystal Rodriguez 00:51:13.560 --> 00:51:20.680 Happens to be one of my favorite childhood books. So here you see the different groupings based on format and year. 152 Crystal Rodriguez 00:51:29.920 --> 00:51:46.320 Also, so I went ahead and researched my first search there of connection with the year twenty two thousand three and the other thing I wanted to note is if we look at the top of the screen, we see that, that slash became the year qualifier there. 153 Crystal Rodriguez 00:51:48.760 --> 00:51:56.160 Now, once I'm on a truncated list like this, I can open a single record just by double clicking on that record. 154 Crystal Rodriguez 00:51:58.280 --> 00:52:01.120 Or if I want to open multiple records that are. 155 Crystal Rodriguez 00:52:03.480 --> 00:52:22.720 Sequential, I can click on the first record and then use shift to, and then click through the rest of the records. And I can hit enter here to open up the first of those that I selected, and you'll note at the bottom of a screen it says twelve of eighty eight, and then the other thing is that. 156 Crystal Rodriguez 00:52:23.200 --> 00:52:24.640 I can use the navigation. 157 Crystal Rodriguez 00:52:26.520 --> 00:52:35.960 Buttons here at the top to go ahead and move through those that I've selected. So if I click on that, I'm now on thirteen, fourteen et cetera. 158 Crystal Rodriguez 00:52:38.800 --> 00:52:55.160 Now if I need to choose records that are not sequential, then I'm gonna highlight the first one, and then I'm going to use the control and click on the others that I want to open. So here I want to open record number thirteen eighteen, and twenty. 159 Crystal Rodriguez 00:52:56.520 --> 00:53:04.000 And I have those selected. I'm gonna go ahead and hit enter. And again, I see that thirteen of eighty eight and if I click. 160 Crystal Rodriguez 00:53:05.480 --> 00:53:11.160 The navigation I'm now on eighteen and twenty, and then I can go back as needed as well. 161 Crystal Rodriguez 00:53:13.800 --> 00:53:17.960 And then to close the record as I've indicated, you just click on that small X up there in the corner. 162 Crystal Rodriguez 00:53:26.920 --> 00:53:29.760 Just checking to see if there's any other questions so far, it looks like we're good. 163 Crystal Rodriguez 00:53:34.280 --> 00:53:54.040 Okay so now let's say that you need to review several records to determine the best match. So you want to have your list of records open while you view your individual records. To navigate between records and lists without closing the window, we're gonna use the window menu. So I'm going to click on the window menu here. 164 Crystal Rodriguez 00:53:55.080 --> 00:54:14.680 And right now we just see our truncated list. If I were to go ahead and open up record number thirteen, and go to the window menu, I now see my truncated list and the record that I have opened. So to switch back and forth I would just click through the truncated list and now I'm on that list. 165 Crystal Rodriguez 00:54:15.800 --> 00:54:18.400 And now I'm gonna go back to window and choose that record. 166 Crystal Rodriguez 00:54:22.280 --> 00:54:36.040 Now what if I want to compare two records side by side? To do that, I want to pin the first record. So I've got my first record open, and I'm going to go to the view menu and just click on pinned. 167 Crystal Rodriguez 00:54:38.960 --> 00:54:41.160 And when I do that, and go to window. 168 Crystal Rodriguez 00:54:43.440 --> 00:54:47.560 It didn't work. Sorry, I'm having some difficulties here. 169 Crystal Rodriguez 00:54:52.040 --> 00:54:52.440 Let's see. 170 Crystal Rodriguez 00:54:57.040 --> 00:54:58.640 There it goes. So it's, it is pinned. 171 Crystal Rodriguez 00:55:00.280 --> 00:55:04.880 So now if I go to my truncated list and I choose another record. 172 Crystal Rodriguez 00:55:06.440 --> 00:55:17.640 I'm gonna go ahead and click to open that. Now when I go to window I should see all three and I do. So I see my pinned record, I see my next record, and then I see my truncated list. 173 Crystal Rodriguez 00:55:19.160 --> 00:55:22.880 Now to view these side by side, what I want to do is go to view. 174 Crystal Rodriguez 00:55:26.320 --> 00:55:36.240 Nope, sorry, it's in window, go to window and then choose either tile vertically, tile horizontally horizontally or cascade. I like to tile vertically. 175 Crystal Rodriguez 00:55:37.800 --> 00:55:57.920 And here I can see all three of these that I, the windows that I had. I can go ahead and minimize my truncation list and then I can move these closer to each other or I can make them larger, and then this is going to allow you to compare your records and even if needed, you might be able to copy a field from one. 176 Crystal Rodriguez 00:55:58.200 --> 00:55:59.320 Record and place it in the other. 177 Crystal Rodriguez 00:56:04.080 --> 00:56:11.480 And then when you're done with that, that record, if you X out of that pin record, it just automatically is unpinned and goes away. 178 Crystal Rodriguez 00:56:13.680 --> 00:56:16.560 And here's I'm gonna maximize our truncated list again. 179 Crystal Rodriguez 00:56:23.840 --> 00:56:26.440 I want to go ahead and open up a record here. 180 Crystal Rodriguez 00:56:31.720 --> 00:56:32.520 Let me get it done. 181 Crystal Rodriguez 00:56:38.640 --> 00:56:40.280 I apologize I'm gonna search for something new here. 182 Crystal Rodriguez 00:56:46.280 --> 00:56:48.080 I'm gonna search for a different OCLC number. 183 Crystal Rodriguez 00:57:00.000 --> 00:57:19.920 Okay, so as you're reviewing your record, you may find that you need more information on a specific mark field or you want to check that you are using the correct tags and sub fields. Mark field help provides links to the OCLC billiographic formats and standards so that you can find more information. 184 Crystal Rodriguez 00:57:20.760 --> 00:57:40.560 On mark tags and sub fields. There are a few different methods for accessing mark field help, but one way is to position your cursor in the desired field, right click and then select mark field help. So I'm going to go ahead and demonstrate that. So let's say that I want to look at the five oh five field. I've po. 185 Crystal Rodriguez 00:57:40.960 --> 00:58:00.480 My cursor there. I'm going to right click. I'm going to choose mark field help, and when I do that, that takes me directly to a browser window for that section of the building graphics standards and formats where I can review the necessary sub field information, indicator information I saw in. 186 Crystal Rodriguez 00:58:01.200 --> 00:58:13.320 And sub field information down here, and then if I scroll all the way to the bottom of this page, I can see the last page the last time this page was updated and a few other links that I may find useful here. 187 Crystal Rodriguez 00:58:19.400 --> 00:58:38.160 Now if I want Mark Field help for the fixed fields, they have their own link here. If you'll notice, so looking at the CONT field, if I click on the, that link, that'll take me directly to that area of the video graphics standards and formats. That's one reason why i. 188 Crystal Rodriguez 00:58:38.200 --> 00:58:42.000 I prefer to have those fixed fields at the top or bottom of my screen. 189 Crystal Rodriguez 00:58:48.560 --> 00:58:53.120 Now connection client also offers several helpful, helpful links within the help menu. 190 Crystal Rodriguez 00:58:55.600 --> 00:59:06.760 So if we look at the help menu, we have the client help, if I click on that, that's gonna take me out to our help site specifically for connection client documentation. 191 Crystal Rodriguez 00:59:10.480 --> 00:59:28.720 If I go to the help menu, I also have the mark field help. Clicking on that is just going to take me right to the bible graphics standards and formats. Again, it does take me to the looks like it takes me to that five oh five that I had previously searched because that's where my cursor is. So it works the same way. 192 Crystal Rodriguez 00:59:28.800 --> 00:59:29.720 As that right click. 193 Crystal Rodriguez 00:59:32.600 --> 00:59:46.560 Another option here is the contact support option. If I click on that, I'm going to get a, a form that I can fill out. This is useful if, just like it says here, if you have a suggestion, or you find a problem that. 194 Crystal Rodriguez 00:59:49.560 --> 01:00:07.920 Needs to be reported to our support or our quality control team. Although you can, as I mentioned earlier in the session, you can email the bibch change team directly. But the nice part about using this form is it's going to put all of that information in there for you, including your contact information once you've added that. 195 Crystal Rodriguez 01:00:11.360 --> 01:00:31.440 And then when we go to the useful web links, we see a few options here as well. Again, there's a direct link straight to build a graphic formats and standards. There is a link to our OCLC systems alerts page, which is going to let you know if there are any issues known issues with systems being down or any updates. 196 Crystal Rodriguez 01:00:31.560 --> 01:00:32.600 Coming up etc. 197 Crystal Rodriguez 01:00:34.400 --> 01:00:54.400 There is the record change request as well, which I believe that in version two point six three this either works differently or isn't working, so that's when again you would just wanna reach out to the bibchange team directly. But if I click on this, it's going to open up a form, an on. 198 Crystal Rodriguez 01:00:55.200 --> 01:00:56.600 Allow me to fill that information out. 199 Crystal Rodriguez 01:01:00.920 --> 01:01:21.200 And then I think that's one more here in the useful web links that I wanted to show you is the access and authorization form link. So that is going to take you directly out to the form that you would need to fill out to request any new or any changes to your authorization form or to your authorization number. 200 Crystal Rodriguez 01:01:22.160 --> 01:01:36.160 And that once you complete that, you want to make sure you click through all the way until you get a thank you for submitting and that would then go to our order services team who will follow up with you within a couple of days regarding that request. 201 Crystal Rodriguez 01:01:38.240 --> 01:01:39.920 That's. Okay. 202 Crystal Rodriguez 01:01:42.000 --> 01:01:43.760 I'm gonna go ahead and close out of my connection here. 203 Crystal Rodriguez 01:01:46.480 --> 01:01:55.240 Now I have a couple of questions for you all. I don't see any coming from you, so let me go ahead and start here. I'll keep an eye out to see if you do have any additional questions. 204 Crystal Rodriguez 01:02:04.680 --> 01:02:09.160 Okay, and I'm gonna I'm gonna start a poll for you here just a moment. Okay. 205 Crystal Rodriguez 01:02:10.800 --> 01:02:15.160 So you should be seeing a poll for you to fill out, your answer to this question. 206 Crystal Rodriguez 01:02:17.440 --> 01:02:26.520 Where can you enter a default authorization and set up start options for connection client? Let me know in the chat if you're not seeing that poll. 207 Crystal Rodriguez 01:02:35.200 --> 01:02:36.640 And I'll give you a couple minutes to answer that. 208 Crystal Rodriguez 01:02:53.600 --> 01:02:54.680 It looks like just about everybody. 209 Crystal Rodriguez 01:02:56.640 --> 01:02:57.720 Has had a chance to answer that. 210 Crystal Rodriguez 01:03:05.160 --> 01:03:14.280 And the answer is tools and then options. So that's the, where those configuration options that we discussed it earlier in the session. 211 Crystal Rodriguez 01:03:16.840 --> 01:03:18.800 Okay, and the next question for you. 212 Crystal Rodriguez 01:03:22.000 --> 01:03:26.880 Sort of a play on which one? So this or that, which of these. 213 Crystal Rodriguez 01:03:28.360 --> 01:03:45.080 Photos demonstrates the correct menu order for the copy cataloging workflow that we discussed? Is it going to be viewed edit, and edit? Or is it cataloging, edit, and action to complete those actions demonstrated on the diagram? 214 Crystal Rodriguez 01:04:09.400 --> 01:04:12.040 Alright, looks like just about everybody has had a chance to answer. 215 Crystal Rodriguez 01:04:15.600 --> 01:04:27.640 And that is actually B So to find that matching record, you're gonna use the catalogging menu to edit your records, you'll use the edit menu and to set your holdings and export record. It is the action menu. 216 Crystal Rodriguez 01:04:30.000 --> 01:04:31.640 And I have one more question for you all. 217 Crystal Rodriguez 01:04:34.200 --> 01:04:35.360 I'm gonna go ahead and start that. 218 Crystal Rodriguez 01:04:48.480 --> 01:04:56.280 If you edit a recording connection, the changes you make are automatically reflected on the Worldcat record for others to see. Is that true or false? 219 Crystal Rodriguez 01:05:15.760 --> 01:05:16.920 Just give another minute or so. 220 Crystal Rodriguez 01:05:30.440 --> 01:05:50.760 And that is false, so when you're making your edits, you're making edits to that working copy of the record, and so unless you were to use the replace action, those edits are not gonna be reflected on the world pet record and you really should only use that replace action in the, if you're correcting an error or adding missing. 221 Crystal Rodriguez 01:05:52.400 --> 01:06:01.080 You don't want to add your local edits with that replace action. So those local edits, you just wanna use adding your holdings and exporting if necessary. 222 Crystal Rodriguez 01:06:06.880 --> 01:06:25.840 I don't have any additional questions for you. Please feel free to add any questions in chat. We do still have some time available to us. I do apologize for those screen issues. I will take a look at that for the next session, and see what I can figure out with the setup for Webex, and. 223 Crystal Rodriguez 01:06:26.040 --> 01:06:35.120 And this session will be available the recording will be available on our help site, so if you need to go back and review any of those items. 224 Crystal Rodriguez 01:06:37.040 --> 01:06:40.080 That we went over, that'll be available to you. You'll also receive. 225 Crystal Rodriguez 01:06:41.440 --> 01:06:46.000 An email with, information for that as well once the session is over. 226 Crystal Rodriguez 01:06:52.960 --> 01:07:10.240 I don't see any questions coming in chat, but we'll still hang for a few moments on that. But if you do have any questions after the fact, you can go to our help site at help dot OCLC dot org or you can contact OCLC support in your region. 227 Crystal Rodriguez 01:07:11.840 --> 01:07:14.160 You can find information on doing that at our help site. 228 Crystal Rodriguez 01:07:19.880 --> 01:07:26.000 And there you can also find additional documentation and training on OCLC products and services. 229 Crystal Rodriguez 01:07:30.920 --> 01:07:31.200 Alright. 230 Crystal Rodriguez 01:07:33.240 --> 01:07:48.920 So still not seeing any questions I'm gonna move forward and I do want to thank you all for your attention and time today and at the end of the session, you will receive a survey. We would appreciate you completing that and giving us any feedback on the session. 231 Crystal Rodriguez 01:07:51.160 --> 01:07:53.560 We do review those and implement any. 232 Crystal Rodriguez 01:07:55.760 --> 01:07:56.520 Input when possible. 233 Crystal Rodriguez 01:08:01.000 --> 01:08:05.200 All right. And with that, if you have no other questions, oh, looks like there might be a question. 234 Crystal Rodriguez 01:08:11.640 --> 01:08:14.120 Oh, I see that's a question was sent to me privately. 235 Crystal Rodriguez 01:08:21.440 --> 01:08:40.160 Regarding your question Carly, I honestly don't know, what I can do is send that question. So, for the benefit of the group, this question is a private regarding whether or not there's gonna be a change regarding marchive, and if there's a similar product that we would recommend. 236 Crystal Rodriguez 01:08:43.560 --> 01:08:44.480 I'm unfamiliar with. 237 Crystal Rodriguez 01:08:46.279 --> 01:08:58.600 Marchive, but you mentioned here that you're using this for FTP. We do recommend typically we recommend using Filezilla or win SCP for FTP, files to us. 238 Crystal Rodriguez 01:09:01.160 --> 01:09:05.080 But I can send your question to our support team and have them follow up with you. 239 Crystal Rodriguez 01:09:11.520 --> 01:09:18.720 So I don't see any other questions. I'm gonna go ahead and hang out for a couple more minutes. I'm gonna go ahead and stop the recording. 240 Crystal Rodriguez 01:09:27.240 --> 01:09:34.560 As I said I'm gonna go ahead and hang out, but you're all free to, if you have no additional questions, you're all free to get on with your day. And again, thank you for your time. 241 Crystal Rodriguez 01:09:36.759 --> 01:09:42.160 And I hope to see many of you in the next session next week on video graphics searching. 242 Crystal Rodriguez 01:09:58.520 --> 01:10:05.120 Okay it looks like just about everybody's heading out so I'm gonna go ahead and close the session and I'll see you all next week.